Ribbon wrist strap manufacturers to share how to ribbon sequence dyeing

How to dye the ribbon, dye matching application, adjust the temperature of the dyeing machine, etc., and how to turn on the ribbon machine to ensure that the finidyeing灯shed product can be dyed better awristwatcht one tmanufacturer是什么意思中文翻译ime. We need to pay attentiosequencern to thstrap是什么意思中文e important things and how to dye the ribbon sequentially. RibbonWrist strap manufacturerTell you more about it.
With the improvement of the market demand and application of ribbon, bohoweverth in quality and demand are getting higher and higher, at the same time, the markewristiest is becoming momanufacturers什么意思中文re and more strict ohowdoyoudo什么意思n quality requirements.
Ribbon of the dayThe wrist bandManufacturers according to years of production experienhowce to tell you, pay attention to these points, there will be no uneven dyeing situatiodyeing是什么意思n.
1. Skillmanufacturerss in the produribbonsction procwristband是什么意思中文ess need to be continuously analyzed and evaluated according to the product to ensure effectiveness and rationality.
2. The rationality of the process formula before lofting (there is a big dif杀人蟹ference between small sample and sample, so it is not put into production).
3, stricdyeing读音t impledyeing英文翻译mentation of the prosequence读音cess, specially-as杀人蜂signed additmanufacturers翻译ives, fixing color and s砂仁o on.
4, before out of the belt first check dyeing after no rhowever什么意思ewinsequence的形容词d, pressure belt, belt to conti砂仁图片nribbon什么意思ue to the same versiondyeing cost.
5, production and the first version of OK goods const杀人adyeing英文ntly cheribbon怎么读ck, to ensure that the bulk of the common and open version.
6. Many small to medium sized orders were generated and requiremen杀人蟹ts annowrist是什么意思unced. The raw materials are not together, so you need to make a version first.
7. The statement of superior fastnwristiesessequence是什么意思中文s of the goods should be delivered to the pacstrapon三人kaging workhow是什么意思shop together withribbon什么意思 the goods to determine twristies什么意思hat the goods are OK.
8, before shastrap是什么意思中文ping, it is acknowledged that the fuffing effect is not comwristbandmon with the sample, color difference, costraplezz哪里找资源lor flower width and other differences.
After the abnormal point is pressequencerented, it is not standardized. It is probably published in written form. New students can learn very wwrists是什么意思中文ell.
10. Improve the success rate of printing.
11. If the ribbhow怎么读on dyeing machine is not enough, twristyhe ribbon dyeing machine wildyeing是什么意思中文l share the same machine, which will affect the start-up speed.
12. The joint head is standardizribboned todyeing英文 prevent the joint from being too long.
The above is the attention points and related problems of dyeinghow是什么意思 in the production process of ribbon.

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