Lions Club of Shenzhen: Let charity return to its true nature

Lions Club of Shenzhen: Let charity return to its true nature
Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Dennature是什么意思g Yongfeng
&nbitsyou是什么意思sp; Zheng Degang, director of Pengzhenclub翻译g Law Firm in Nanshan Coastal City and director of Shenzhen Lions Club frotrue翻译m 2011 to 2012, told the reporter that Shenzhen Lions Club has gradually exclub是什么意思plored a set of effective ngo charity service model with its own characteristics over the past n深圳疫情最新消息ine years.
Folk and international
深圳大学 it’s Established in April 2002, Shenzhen Lions Club is now a welitsl-known non-governlion是什么意思mental charity service organization with independent corporate status and pre-tax deduction qualification for public welfare donations. It bclub是什么意思orcharityrowed the management and operation mode of Lions Club Inlions怎么读ternlions是什么意思ational (the world’s largest voluntaclub翻译ry scharity宽容的爱ervice organization with a history of 94 years), and joined the Domestic Lions Club as a unit member. “ It can be said that folk and interna深圳风险等级tional are the two major labels of Shenzhen Lions Club. ” Zhreturningeng Degaclubng said that the reqtrueuirements for lions club members to join the club are: first of acharity和love区别ll, they are willing to accept the invitation and alion是什么意思中文翻译re willing to join. Seletter是什么意思condly, they have the desire and ability to serve the society and have some influencereturn翻译 in their respective sectors and fields. The third point is the moscharity翻译t important, actively participate in the confnature翻译erence activiti深圳疫情es, so as to contribute,return过去式 contribute, attend, heart.
 lions; &ntrue怎么读bsp; The members of shenzhen Lions club are mainly small and medium-sized business owners, as well as teachers, doctors, lawyers and civil servants. Up to now, shenzhen Lions clcharity-mindedub has more than 80 service techarity翻译ams with nearly 2000 members. Over thetrue的反义词 past nine years, Lions Clubnature官网 shenzhen has carried out a series of social welfare activities, attracting a large number otrue是什么意思中文翻译f enthcharity和love区别usiastic people to participate in the charity and public welfare und深圳疫情ertakings. Love footprint in shenzhen as the center in domestic great river north and south, services more than 6000 timeclub翻译s, servicnature是什么意思e for a total of about $120 million, for more than 15000 poor cataract paticlubmedents choosing surgery for free, for disaster relief donations ocharity形容词f more than 5300 ten thousand yuan, assistive help solitary donations to raise money more than 600 ten thousand yuan, endowed more than 40 lion schools benefited from the crowd of 30 million people. Shenzhelet’sn Lions Club official & LDquo; Pengcheng Charity Award & RDQUO; In the selection, it has won the title for two consecutive times. Pengcheng Charity Award & RDQUO; And won & other; Pengcheng Charity Organization Award & RDQUreturn的用法和搭配O; , & other Pengcheng Charity Outstanding Contribution Award & RDQUO; Has been widely concerned by the whole society.
 charity宽容的爱; What makes such a group of hlionsigh social and elite forces together to contribute to charity and public welfare?
let’s &nlet’sbsp; “ The purpose and philosophy of Lions clreturningub is to help people in need with our service and to give love. That’s what makes it so appealing. ” Zheng degang told reporters that lions clions英语怎么说lub members can be regarded as successful people in society, and theinature官网r spirit has been improved by participatnaturehikeing in the service process. In Lions club, when you give your heart, you can find friends who connect with you, and you can find tlions英语怎么读he joy of serving others through lletstalk安卓下载ions Club service and organinaturezation platform. “ Earning can change your life, giving can create it. ”
Every penny has been accounted for
&nbtrue是0还是1sp; Generally speaking, the charity model of Lions club is that the members first conduct surveys and visits to find out the needs, and then compare, analyze, and screen the needs, and finally decide the targets to help. Different from ordinary charities, lions club raises money mainly through the donations of its members, and also receives donations from the cocharity翻译mmunity.
“ Most of our donations comlettucee from our own members. Although our numbers and scalenature are much smallnature怎么读er than tnature翻译hose of gletstalk安卓下载overeturn怎么读音rnment-backed charities, every penny we donate is welllion是什么意思中文翻译 spent. ”
According to the regreturn的用法和搭配ulations of Shenzhen Lions Club, the funds for the service activities of each service team shall be raised by the organizer antrue翻译d mainly from members in pitss资质证书rinciple. All the funds raised will be put into the service team sub-account of the unified service fund account of Shenzhclub是什么意思en Lions Club, which will be disbursed and cancelled according to the management regulations.
&nbreturn什么意思sp; &nblettucesp; According to Zheng Degang, lions club funds are divided into two parts, one is administcharity宽容的爱rative expenses, including oletfflion是什么意思ice, travel, publicitylions, etc., which are all from membership dues. The second is the service expense, which refers to some expenses generated during the implementatrue是0还是1tionletpub of a chalettucerity project. The service expencharity的内涵意义se is 100% used for the service object. We usualletpubly go Dutch on administrative expenses. ” Zheng Degang said.
Take the upcoming activities jointly held by Shenzhen Lits翻译iocharity-mindedns Club and Dalian And Qingdaoreturn怎么读音 Lions Clubs as an example. This actclubmed官网预订itruely和truly区别vity planature官网ns to pnature怎么读erform 500 cataract operations in Hailar and Xingan League, because it will be launched inits是什么意思 Hailar and Ulanhot respectively, requiring 300 members to patrue是0还是1rt深证指数iciits是什么意思pate. The reporter saw in the nolions翻译tice, if a mtruely和truly区别ember wants to sign up to participate, all the trip generated transporlettucetation, accomcharity音标modation costs need to be borne by members.lionsgate &return用法ldquo; In addition to donating to service activities, members also
return0在c语言中是什么意思 “ Participatory Philanthropy & RDquo;
 naturehike; &nbits和it’s的区别spcharity-minded; After the suclettercessful compleclub翻译tion of fundraising, it is the implementation of specific help services. Free subsinature影响因子dy for poor cataract patients to regain sight & LDquo; Vision Ficharity-mindedrst & RDquo; For example, thclube team members should contanaturehikect hospitals or medical teams, purchase materials suchlet’s as crystals and surgical kits, oreturn造句rganize trips tocharity和love区别 service sites, and assign volunteer work on-site. “ We members take care of all the help, order, logistics and so on. &true怎么读rdquo;
Finally, thereturn怎么读音 acceptance return visit. Zheng degang still vividly remembers the acceptance and delivery of a lion primary school in Guizhou province in 2005. The ragged children came more than ten miles up thclubmede mountain, their feet muddy, but the joy and touch in their clear eyes moved us all deeply. All the members gave away almost all their money, wondering how they couitselfld do more for them. ” More often, after cataract surgery, members remove the banreturn用法dage and dangle their fingers in front of the patient’s eyes. Two & throughout; ,its是什么意思 & other Thr深圳风险等级oughout the three &; “And then theletre was anotits是什么意思her round of junaturebilation.
T深圳天气his is thletter翻译e greatest characteristic of lions club, tlions音标he members aritse hands-on. — Contribute, contribute, attend, out of the heart, personally experience from benevoclub是什么酒lence to benevolence and finally to good fruit, Zheng Degang called & LDquo; Participatory Philanthropy & RDquo; .
It is adhering to & LDquo; We serve ” Shenz深圳天气hen Liclub是什么意思ons Club requires its members to volunteer, provide services, and experiencelet’s a complete charinature官网ty activity from finding needs, makinreturn怎么读音g choices, fundraising, implementation, acletceptance and return visits, so as to directly feel the results of their efforts to help others improve their lives.
“ On the one han深圳天气d, this kind of participatory charity mlions读音akes members feel happy in participitsyou是什么意思ating, on the other hand, ittrue是0还是1 makes membereturn的用法和搭配rs grow in the process of participating. ” Zheng deganclub怎么读g said he himself joined the Ltrue是什么意思ions club in 2002. For more than nine year深证指数s, he worked as a lawyer while doing pro bono work. “ In the process of lions Clureturn造句b’s platform and public service, I am constantly moved and grateful. I have learned a lot and understood a lot. It can be said that I grew up with Shenzhen Lions Club, which is a big faletter是什么意思mily, big school and big platform. ” He said.
Related information: Shenzhen Lions Club: Let chariits翻译ty return to its true nature & NBSP;

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