The second round of “A Date with China” district networking cum Lion Cultural Exchange meeting held

            After successfully holding the first “Engagemencumtt with China” regional fellowship and lion cultural exchange in Augussecondscreen下载t, the second “Engagement with China” lion exchange was held in Cuigu Buildilion是什么意思ng in Silver Lake on the afternoon of September 23, 2015. Nearly 60 lion friends from 24 service teams actively participated in this exchange. Shih Jien-yong, first Vice President of Lions Club shelion翻译nzhen, Tong Shih-wong, Chairmasecond翻译n of the Membership Management Committee (West), Zhao Xiu-chung, Chairmadate什么意思n of The Membership Maround是什么意思啊nagement Committee (Central), Cao Haihonground函数怎么使用, Cheng Yu-kuan, Zhdatetimeeng Hui-Kuang, Cheng Hui-huo, And Shi Qiang,district词根 chasecond缩写irman of Lions Club Shenzhen attcultural名词ended the meeting. Scumbersomeeven lecturersdatetime数据类型 including Ma Min, head of the lecturers’ group, attended the lecture, and Luo Junpinground函数, lecturer of the lecsecond怎么读turers’ group, acted as the host.
          ShiJianYong first vice President of each service leadership for attending seminars lion friend thank you,china hope the lion friends can happy to studysecondscreen下载, understand the “travecultural名词l” witround翻译h the dream of the annual theme and basic lion culture, on the job and the sercumulativevice work to effectively improve, at the same time, when communicaculturally是什么意思ting with other social groups in the future, to be able to help in the psecond翻译romotilionon of th蹙眉e lichina读音ons.

          After the belchina读音l ringing, the meeting will be officially opened. Rong Jing first carried out the “ice breaking” game,second缩写 the scene will lion friends were divided into two groups of teams for a fierchina意思ce count competition, a few roundatetimeds of competition down, the “failure” team sent two lion brother scene to do push-ups as “punishment”. By breaking the ice, lions get to know each othlion怎么读er in a relaxed atmosphere and learn the importance of teamwork. He intrdatedif函数oduced the purpose and types of lions cldatesub meetings, as well as the differences between lions club meetings and regular meetings. He focused on the application of “Robert’s rules of procedure” and invited lion friends to sharedatetime theirlionkk experience of holding regular meetings of service teams. After tea, Ma Min amah “lions club how to successfully carry out service activities of a class, a pull up is aboutsecond to fall into trap” autumn “lion friend, she told th蹙眉e lion lion friends introduced the meaning of the characteristics of service activities, effectiveculturally是什么意思 service, and service actividistrict的中文意思tiesround是什么意思啊 and service activitiecultural和cultured的区别s in the direction of the six steps, and the scene play international lion lion friends public video for reference.



&nculturallybsp;china翻译         After class, the lecturers arranged four chairmen to organize lions in their respective districts to hold a regular meeting to discuss the direction of service activities ilionn their respective districts. Participants genedate什么意思rally reported that through the learning of thiscumtb exchange meeting, the efficiency of holding temporary regular meetings has been significantly improveround翻译d.

          It is reportedistrictd that thsecond的基数词e next lions club will be held after the National Day holiday, welcome the lioround函数怎么使用n friendsdates from 9, 10, 11 and 12 districts to sign up for the event, the specific notsecond的基数词ice will be released in the wechat group of shenzhen Lions Club.


By Wenjie Turin

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