Oct Service Team: held the 10th regular meeting of 2015-2016

Oct Service Team: held the 10th regular meeting of 2015-2016

On the afternoon of April 23, 2016, the 10th regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club overseregular的名词as Coctopushinese Town Service Team forregularly 2015-2016 wheld是hold的什么形式as successfully held in Soctavehunxiang Paviliregularly意思中文翻译on, Shunde Delao Tteam是什么意思翻译efa Store, Xiangmei Roheld是hold的什么形式ad, Futian District. Captain Guoheld过去式和过去分词 Ye shi jie, Tang Quanhteams手机版ui Shi Jie, Luo Yangui Shi Jie, Chen Zhimin Shi Jie, Lu Shengyteamworkuanservice Shi Jie, Tang Ruling Shi Jie, Wang Yongchao Shi Jie, Ding Yueer Shi Jie, Sun Rui Shi Jie attended the meeting. The meeting wservice和serve的区别as presided over bteams手机版y li Chunchang, president of the conference.

The meeservice是什么意思中文翻译ting summarized aoctnd sharoctetstream建筑图纸ed the preliminary work of the service tea通货膨胀下什么最保值m. Ms.service是什么故障灯 Tang shared the launchioctetstream建筑图纸ng ceremony of the ninth World Autism Day with the theme of “Light up the blueoctetstream建筑图纸 light, Love and Harmony” on behalf of the OCT Servicheldene team. She said the campaign has received stheld过去式和过去分词rong support and attentioctoberon from all walks of lifoct是什么检查e. She was deeply moved by the little Apthoughple dance performed by two autistic children at the activity sservice是什么故障灯ite. She was happy that autistic children had basiregularcally integrated into society and understood basic social communication. Aheldens a worker engaged in special education, this was the focus of her work and what she especially hoped to see. Later, the lion friends shared the hteams会议eyuan joint education activity held by ten service teams from April 15th to 16th. Li Chunc童话故事hang, the lion sister, expressedregular翻译 regremeetingtencentcomt for the missed opporregularlytunity of the activity. All brserviceableothers and sisters also think that this activity is urgent, so we can not arrange time to attend. At the same time, I think this actheld中文ivity is very successful and efficient, and th褪黑素e “two as one” strategy not only saves resources but also greatly improves童话故事 efficiency, which is worth learningupheld and reference.

At the meeting, thserviceableere was a heated discussion on the preparation work of the fifth Lions Tour, includiregular的所有形式ng vheld的原型enue selection, time determiheld的中文意思nation, publicity, fee collecheld怎么读的tion and use, etc. Everyone arranged the next step of the lion walk in a relaxed and pleasant dining environmenmeetingst.service是什么意思

Fheld的原型inance Chen Zhimin reported the financial situation of the service team. The sufficient cost made you full of confidence and expectation for the future public welfare activities. Li Chunchang, Tang Quanhui and Wang Jinsomeetingyou是什么意思ng have signed up for the 9october翻译9th Lions Club Annual Conference. Captain Guo ye notified and aheld过去式和过去分词rranged the collection of membership due桃花源记s for thmeetingyou是什么意思e next year, and called on lion friends tooct试验 pay as soon as possible, strive for more rewards, and contribute to the power of love forregular的所有形式 social charity; Luo Yanoctopus英语怎么读gui shi proposed that everyooctavene lend a helping褪黑素 hand to a poor village primary school in Tongthjiang County, Sichuan Province. The primary schoregular什么意思ol has only 3 students and 2 teacserviceablehers. The classroom floor is bumpy, the roof is disrepair and leaking, the drainage system is poor and the educational equipmentregular翻译 is backward. He further said that if any lion fservice是什么意思中文翻译riends are willing to go to Tongheld中文jiang County to show their love, he will contract the cost of fooctodserviceable and accommeetingtencentcommodation, lion brothers and sisters have expressteamoed their appreciation and support.

At the end of the regular meeting, we celebrated brother Luo yanguservice和serve的区别ishi’s birthday in April and expressed our best wishes. Inoctetstream建筑图纸 the laughter, the friendship of lion friends is deepeheld的意思是什么ning day by day. I firmly believe that this friendship will make the overseas Chinese Town Service team more童话故事 efficient and smooth in the future.

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Contrregular反义词ibution by OCT Service Team

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