Happy competition and healthy spirit — the fun games of the second Shenzhen Lions Festival series of activities was successfully held

Happy competition healthy spiritShenzhen Lions Club held the fun games of the second China Lions Festival series activities successfully
On the afternoon of March 18, sprsecond什么意思ing breeze and warm sun. The fun games of the 2nd Lions Day series acfuntivities of Shenzhen lions Clucompetition音标b officially opened at the badminton hall of Huanggang Middle School. Shenzhen liogamestopns club Presidgames怎么读ent of 2016-2017, ShiJianYong, second deputy chairman tian wang, secretary general Zeng Shi, long picket Zheng Hehua, district chairman minifundng-team width, Guo Yongyong, partition, chairman of the generation of the macro, operation should be flourishing, Chen Zong, xiao-hong Lin, Zhang Huiqing, Peng Daojcompetition英语怎么读ian, lion friendly style fellowship center Hu Shen, badminton club Phealthy2官网入口resident, chairman of the Yale, lion friends love, chairman of深圳大学 the committee KuangHong, And more than 100 representatives of service teams from each district attelionsnded the opegamestodayning ceremony.
In order to let lion friends experience the fun sports spirit of working together and having fun, the competitilionsgateon items of this activity include walking together, 1shenzhen5-person relay race, jumping rope tlionsogether and tug-olions翻译中文f-war深圳风险等级. The competition asecond缩写dopts the project points system, and the top three in total points will be the top threfune ispiritualn the fun sports meeting.
Tcompetition怎么读here are 5 teams in total. The team members are composed of lions fromspirited each district. Each team has 20 players. With the referee’s whistle, the atmosphere of the game unprecedented warm, “roar, roarfunk, rfunny怎么读oar” refueling sound resounded throughout the arena. The “co-walking” competition tests the teamwork ability and the bospiritfarer攻略dy balance ability of the team members, so that the team ccompetition什么意思an move smoothly with the same pace. When the referee gives the orderhappy birthday, all the players go forward with the sound of the gun. The whole competition is carried out strictly in acfundcordance with the refundamentalquirements and rules of the competition, so as to keep pace as much as possible. After asecondly ficompetition的动词erce competition, the firspiritst member managementhealthy committee won the first place in the single event with excellent results.
In the rope深圳市最新疫情 jgamestopumping game, the liospiritfarer攻略n friends happily plspirit英语怎么读ayed深圳市最新疫情 the rocompetition音标pe skipping in theispirit是什么意思r childhood, the laughter rippled over tgamestoday安装包he field, and the happiness ofcompetition英语怎么读 childhood came back to their side. On the scene of tug-of-war competition, each team is united as one, and the lfunions cooperate with each otsecondher in the momentum of pulling mlions是什么意思ounfun怎么读tains and rivers, forming a see-saw battle. The Shouting, cheering and applause all turn into endless power, the atmosphere is warm aspiritednd cheerful, cheering one after another, and the shadow of the leaping lions forms a beautiful scenery line. After fierce compesecond缩写tition, the results of the competition of walking together and jumpinlions翻译中文g rope together came out. The score of the fourth member mahappy birthdaynagement committee temporarily ranked the first plachealthy名词形式e, the score of the first and third member management committee temporarily tied the second place,深圳疫情最新动态 and the score of the second member management committee temporarily ranked the third. Finally, the top three management committees will have a tug of war competitsecond的基数词ion at tcompetitionhe carnival party on March 26th to win the first prize, the first prize and the third prize. Thespirit是什么意思 prize will be awaspirit怎么读rded at the main hall of the Carnival party. Let’s wait and see.
In his speech, President Shih said that lionsecondlove日剧 friends should have fun and enjolions翻译中文y themselves in the event. Under the深圳大学 meticulous planning and organizatio深证指数n of the organizing commitcompetition与matchrace区别tee hu Xin Shi Brother, Chen Zong Shi Brother, Kuang Hong Shi Sister and other members of the preparshenzhenatory group, under tfun是什么意思he care and support of the leahealthyding lion friends, under the grelions读音at efforgames怎么读ts of the lion friends, all the service teams actively signed up alions翻译nd participated in the fun games, and the activity was successfully completed. As one of the icompetition与matchrace区别mportant activities of the second Shenzhen Lions Festival, it fuhealthy的副词lly embodies thesecond theme of engamestoday官网网址tertainment, competithappy的副词ion, health and harmony, cultivates team cohesion, exer深圳疫情最新消息cises thhappy张江e body of lion friends and promotes the spread of lion culture.
[Text] Shen Shi Newscompetition翻译 Agency liu Jun
[Photo] Shen Shi News Agency liu Jun
[Editor] Shen Shi Nhealthy2官网入口ews Agency wan Chaolin, Zhao Annie
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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