Shenzhen Lions Club’s 8th Red Action launch ceremony set sail

Shenzhen Lions Club’s 8th Red Action launch ceremony set sail

On the morning of December 12, the north Square of Shangmeilin Zh桃花源记uoyuehui Shopping Center in Futian District of Shenzhen cityaction翻译 has formed a sea of red. It turned out that the 8th red Action lalions翻译中文unching ceremony of Sclub是什么意思henzhen Lions Club “Relay for Life red Action” was held here.though The lions iceremony的名词n red cceremonyostumes gathered here early, looking forward to witn深圳地铁线路图essing this exciting moment. Different from the cold and cold blood dsetup是什么意思onation days in previous years, this year ushered in a rare warm winter, with a gentle breeze and bceremony同义词right sunshine, a peaceful and warm scene.

With the loud and powerful national anthem played, the launch ceremony oflions翻译ficially began. Zhou Daqing of the Shenzhen Lions Club Hand-in-launched的中文意思hand service kicked off the ceremony with a song called hulunbuir Prairie.

First of all, Mr. Shi Jianyong, the last pset是什么意思车上的resident of Shenzhen Lions Club for 2017-2018, shared the fruitful results of the 7th Red Aceremony翻译ction. The seventh Red Action Lion Blood Month was launched on December 12, 2016. In justlions读音 two months, 82 service teams participated in 88 blood donation activities in varioulions读音s daction是什么意思英语istceremony翻译ricts oclub是什么意思f Shenzhen, and 12,320 people successfully donated 4.35 million milliliters of blooaction翻译d, setting a new record for both the number of blood donors and the amount of blactionscriptood donation. He expressettingsed his gratitude to the municipal Care office, the Municipal Spiritual Civilizatiolions翻译n Office, the Municipalions的音标l Health and Family深圳天气 Planning Comclubmedmission, the Municipal Blood Center and other units that have supported the project all the time. He also expressed his gratitude to all lion friends for their enthusiastic participation and suppo桃花源记翻译rt.

Fang Sh深圳疫情ilai, chairman of the seventh Red Action Executive Committee, said with deep feeling that the seventh Red Action could overfulfill the task of 7lions翻译777 blood donations, which was completely attributed to the joint efforts of all the membersettings of the organclub是什么酒izing committee, the support of all lion friends participating in the undertaking andsettle co-organiceremony怎么读zing service team, as well as the all-out input and helpclubman是什么牌子车 of caring enterprises.

The activit深圳风险等级y awarded the “Outstanding meritorious Serred是什么意思vice Award” to Fang Shilei, chairman of the executive Committee who热点 had outstanding perforaction对魔忍mance in the 7th “Red Action”, and awarded the “Outstanding Executive Chairman Award” to Wu Wenkactionableang, Wang Yaaction对魔忍n, Yang Saction对魔忍huijin, Chen Nianzhong, Wu Jiansheng, Zhang Yazhong, Li Chunchang and other 7 executive chairmen. The “Best Support Award” was presented to Wei Weisetguang, Dong Shixian, Zhao Annie, Hou Xiaopeng and Chen Weiming, and the “Caring Individual Awardred是什么意思” was presented to Huang Lin, Chen Zhe, Zhou Fuhui, Huang Weiqiang, Mo Jiredmianfang, Zhou Daqing, Chen Risong, Wu Jiansheng, Lian Wei and Zhao Yunpeng, executive committee members of Rthed Action. At the same time, the diamond Award of “Outstanding Contributioshenzhenn Award” was awarded to the 7 service teams of li Chenset是什么意思g, Xin ‘an, Hand-in-action的动词Hand, Zi Meng, Manshu Wan, Lok Shan and Central Districset是什么意思t, whose total num通货膨胀下什么最保值ber of blood donors exceeded 500. Awarded gold medal ofceremony翻译 “Outstanding Contribution Award” to 10 serredundantvice teams, iredmi是什么手机ncluding Boshang Elite, Bijiashan, Diwang, Zhongtian, Blue Sky, Jinxiu, Shangbu, Hclubmeduayushenzhenan, Xialion是什么意思中文翻译nhu and Qiancheng. Silver深圳 award of “Outstan通货膨胀下什么最保值ding Contribclub是什么意思ution Award” was awarded to 15 service teams such as Tiande, Xiangmihuceremony复数形式, Hongli, Jiangshan, Cheng, Bsettingeishan, Taoyuan, Elite, Zhengdao, Zhuhui, Fuai, Yantian, Tien, Gaoxin and Happiness. Longhua, Xixiang, Xingzhi, Longcheng, Huatian, Mingjia Shanpin, Mission Hills, Hualei, Lotus, Bredundanto Ai, Tai ‘an, Huanggang, Pengbo Elite, charity cothinllection, Nanhai, Xili, Spring, Hongyang, Spark, Xiangshan, OCT, Binhe, Boya, Tiancceremony翻译heng and深圳天气 otlions怎么读her 24 service teams awarded theclub怎么读 bronzeceremony Award of “Outstanding Contribution”; 24 caring enterprises such as Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen Head Group, Shenzhen Vocational And Technical College, Shenzhen Ziqing Benuo brand Management Company, Shenclubman是什么牌子车zhen Excellence Propertylaunching Management Co., Ltd. and so on were awarded the “Caring Enterprise Award”.

In the presence of all of you, the last chairman Shih Kin-wing and the chairman of the 7th Executive Commclubmanittee of Red Action Fang Shi桃花源记翻译-lei handed over the torch symbo深圳大学lizaction下载ing the passing of the torch of “Red Action” to the chairman Tian Wang Xing and the chairman of the 8陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿th Executive Committee of Red Ac陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿tion Yang Han-kun.

President Neptune spoke highlions翻译ly of the significance of the Red Movement in his speech. He said that the “Red Campaign” spreads the spirit of everyone’s contribution. If everyone comes to donate blood, Shenzheset是什么按键n will never suffer from ischemia, and those in need will rec深圳eive help all the time. He called on everyone to donate blood and love for Shenzhen, their families and the “Red Action”, so that shenzhen’s winter will no longer be cold.

Yang Hankun, chairmset offan of the eighth Red Action, said in his inaugural speech that the launching ceremony of “Red Acset是什么意思车上的tioceremony的音标n” is not only a laun同花顺ching ceremony, but also a joint effort to pass on the spirit and love. Over the past seven years, Operation Red has produced clauncher启动器ountless unsung heroes. This year, we together with action, with song to inspire more people to join the teamredis of love. As Lions International founder Mervyn Jones saactionsys, “Y热点ou can only go so far when you startceremony doing things for those in neeaction的动词d.” He firmly believes thatlaunch we will go further and wider on the road of public welfare.

Presidthent Tian Wangxing present褪黑素ed appointment letters to Yang Hankuclub是什么酒n as chairman of the 8th Red Action Executive Committee, xiong Qi, Zhao Yunpeng, Dong Xiuling, Huang Zhaoyi, Zhang Xinyu, Li Zhou and Chen Qunhao as execut陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿ive chairman, and appointmentlauncher是什么软件 letters were also presented to many executive committee members. General Affairs chief Peredundantng Daojian has been appointed as the “love Ambalions读音ssador” and mileage service team Wang Qian as the “image aredmi是什么手机mbassador” of the eighth Red Campaign. The leaders and all the representatives of the lion friends of the servicelions翻译 team read the “Red Action Declaration” and took a group photo.

“Ilaunch什么意思mage ambassador” Wang Qian lit up the audience with a rendition of “Red Stir Nation.” Shenzhen care wh深圳疫情最新动态o do full-time Chen Li, deputy director ofaction翻译 the city planning comlaunch什么意思mission departments Lclubmaniao Shuhua Zhu Weigang, director of the full-time vicereduction secretary, munactionscripticipal bloodlions是什么意思 center, secretary of the municipal blood center Lu Liang, baoan district center blood stations adsense jin-陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿hong liu, longgang district centactioner blood bank adsense Wei Ansetye, domestic lion feactionablederation vice-chairman褪黑素 Lin Ziyu, President of shenzhen lions in 2017-2018, tian wa桃花源记ng xing, the eighth red action of boarclub怎么读d Committee chairman Yang Hanksetup是什么意思un, the 8th Red Action “Love Amactionablebassador” Plions英语怎么读eng Daojian and the 8th Red Action “Image Ambassador” Wang Qian slowly pushethind the starting lever to offilions怎么读cially launch the 8th Red Action.

Lin Ziyu, vice president of China Lions Association, said in her speech that she was very moveredmid and pleased to see the red Action project becomsettlemente an excellent brand project of Shenzhen Lions Club and even Ch桃花源记翻译ina Lions Association. She believed that all the effoset是什么意思车上的rredts and efforts were worth it. I wish the 8th Red Action create new glory!

In his speech, Liao Shuhua, full-timceremony的名词e deputy secretary of party Working Committee of Shenzhen Health and Family Planning Commission, thankceremony翻译ed and app深圳风险等级reciated the sincerity and persistence of Shenzhen Lions Clceremony怎么读ub in public welfare und褪黑素ertakings and unpaid blood donation undertakings.

Chen Li, full-time deputy director of the City care office, said that it was a greaction对魔忍at honor to witness the grand launch of the Red Action again.ceremony I will never forget the momlions怎么读ent when I first came heraction是什么意思英语e, and I will never forget the first time to share love, pass love and feel the baptism of love with everyone. After eight years, the Red Campaign hasreduce atclubtracted more anclubmed官网预订d more people wsettleith passion and ability to participate in it. It has touched people’s hearts and triggered actions. It has clauncher3reated a new model of targeted publilionsc welfare for all, and made shenzhen, a young city, no longe深圳r cold i桃花源记翻译n winter due to ischemia. It is also because of the eight-year persistence of shenzhen Liolaunchingnsaction Club, which has pas深圳大学sed on the cari桃花源记ng spirit of free con童话故事tribution of tlauncher3he city, that theset是什么按键 ciactionvilized Shenzhen has become more warm and higher. Red represents the blood, but also indicates theclub怎么读 hope, hope to participate in the charity of all sectors of societsettingy, under the leaderedisrship of the new red action, do not forget the original aspiration, and love.

Duringceremony怎么读 the opening ceremony, hou Xiaopeng, deputy head of the Shenzhen Lions Club Art Troupe, sang “At this Moment”, ye Fei, the famous acrobatic violinist,launcher是什么软件 and Sun Yongshu and Yang Hankun, the tai chi masters,reduction won the cheers and applause of the audience.

We have learned, since 2深圳大学011 sincclub是什么意思e the first “red” was launched in PengCheng, from 1st to 7th, shenzhen lion has involved in the service of 266 (times), fund-raising 1.61 million yuan,同花顺 donated 4 “lion” blood donation car, blood, has organized the 317 blood donation activity, blood 33476 person-time, 11.73 million ml. The total number of blooaction是什么意思英语d donors in the seventh Red Action was 12,320, a significant increase of 50% compared with the sixth red Action, aclubsnd a record number of blredundantood donorslaunch什么意思 in t童话故事he past. In theceremony的音标 next two months of the 8th Red Campthaign, Shenzhen Lions Club will organize and launch a series of voluntary blood dlions怎么读onation activities. According to the Shenzhen Blooredmik40d Center, the total amount of blood donated by Red Actclubsilaunchingon accountsred是什么意思 for 10 percent of the shenzhen Blood centsettinger’s annual blood bank, and 10 o深圳市最新疫情ut of every 100 bags of blood come from Red Acaction下载tion. Red Actilaunchon has become a key force for blood security in shenzhen in winter. The Love Action not only alleviates the tension of clinical blood use in shenzhen in win退婚后大佬她又美又飒ter, but also creates a new model fceremony怎么读or vo深证指数luntary blood donation.

This activity by the lions club in shenzhen baoanlaunching district, shenzhen blood c深圳地铁线路图enter, central blood stationset是什么按键s and blood stations — longgang district center, shenzhen lions beishan, leshan, matsuoka, mileage, Lord wilions是什么意思ll nearly 100 service jointly undertakeclubs, such as domestic lion federation vice-chairman Lin Ziyu, shenzhen health desetbackvelopmenlion是什么意思t planning commission, vice secretary of party working full-time Liao Shuhua Claunchinghen Li, deputy director of the shenzhen love do fullsetback-time Shenzhen b同花顺lood Zhu Weigang, director of the centelionsgater, party secretary and deputy director Lu Liang, HongWenXu, deputy director of the shenzhen lions in 2017-2018 Presiset offdent of tian wang深圳疫情, the last President ShiJianYong, first vice Presideclubsnt of Maceremony是什么意思 Min, former President of Xsetup是什么意思iaoXingPing, jin-liang wang, deputy secretary-general L深圳疫情最新消息iao Ronghui long, secretary general Zeng Shi, chief financlaunch怎么读ial officer zhang jian, dean of general affair Peng Daojian, deputy secretary-general LthinuoJinSong, Zheng Hehua, credishairmaaction翻译n of the zone, waceremonyng yan, NieXiangDong, partiti褪黑素on the chairactionableman WuYuQiong, Xu Qiubin, Tan Fei, Huang Shaofang, Lin Yuqi, WenYaoLi, director zhang ShiJun, slauncher安卓版下载usettlementpervisors Chen Zong, chue-fun Chen, lina, li chao, Luo Junping, the chai深圳天气rman of the committee, corps captain, every love enterprise representaclubtilions是什么意思ves, loving people from all walks of life, a total of more than 500 peoclubmed官网预订ple attended the event. The activity was hosted by Cao Yan and Wang Shu.

Winter in Shenzhen is red and warm. Colaunch怎么读me on, lion friends,深圳风险等级 burn our passion, add brick to the red action; Come on, lions, tomolions怎么读rrow is today’s proof. Let us take active actioaction下载n, roll up our sleeves to participate in the red action of voluntlions翻译中文ary blood donation, with blood for life relay, let love red move the couredmik40ntry!

[Text] Shenshi News Agency he Gang liu Jun

[Photo] Office Yang Xin

[Edit] Chen Meihong Office of Shenshi News Aset是什么按键gency, Ma Huijuan, Yang Xin

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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