The inaugural ceremony for the 2017-2018 election of the Classic Service Team was successfully held

Stay true to your original aspiration and provide precise assistance

— The inaugural ceremony for the 2017-2018 election of the Classinaugural address翻译中英对照ic Service Team was successfully held

On Auginaugural是什么意思ust 27, 2017, the inaugural ceremony of shenzhen Lions Club Classic Service Team for 2017-2018 was held in the mceremony和celebration的区别ulti-function Hallclassical of Kaili Hotel zhonghai Universiade Center in Longgclassicang. Shenzheclassicmugn Lions Club 2017-2018 second Vice President Weng Hua, General Affairs Dirservicemanector Peng Daojian, Deputy secretary Genwashederal and Classic Service team leader Zheng Yukuan, Deputy secretary general and guide lion group leader Li Feng, Regional chairman Wanginaugural是什么意思 Yan anteams会议d Lei Gaoqing, Chairman Wateams手机版ng Daoming of district 17, Supervisor Chen Zong, Classical service team lteamviewereader Sun Chuanxiang, first vice captain Xie Suguang, second vice captain Wang Xuebo, third vice captain Zhang Yanlceremony复数形式i, secretary Liuclassic Shixin, Finance Wang Weinaugural address翻译中英对照njun, general affairs Guo Jixuan, picket Jiang Wuping, directors Sun Jianjun, Huang Weihua, Jia Yigang and oelectionsther lionclassical friends, lion frieservicebionds and their families, a total of more thaninauguraladdress课件ppt 100 peopteamprole attended the ceremony. Tservicebiohe ceremony was chaired by Xieinaugural是什么意思 Suguang and presided over by Zhang Yaelectionsnli and Wang Xuebo.

Mwashingtonr Tse gave a welservice是什么意思中文翻译come speech and tolled the bell to announce the commencement of the ceremony. On behalf of the Classiinauguralc Service Teceremony怎么读am, he extended a warm welcome and heartfelt thankinaugural address翻译中英对照s to the lion friends and guests present. Zheng Yukuan, Deputy secretary general, introduced guests and leading lion friends.

Zheng Yukinaugural翻译uan, pioneer team leader, made a summary of the work of 2016-2017 around the lion work, serviceclassicmug activities, honors and achievements of the service team. Hereelection said that lainaugural address翻译中英对照st year, we launched the Care for special children in Qingchun,classicfootballshirts the Guilin Sunshine Taserviceablelent Education Program and “Love like sunshine, Walk Hand in hand”. He hoped that in the New Year, the service team would create new glory uninaugural是什么意思der the leaderelection翻译ship of Captain Sun Chuanxiang. Zheng Yu, the leader of the Kuang Pioneer Team, presented the excellent Member Award, the Caring Enterprise Award and the Best companion award to the lion friends. Finance Wang Wenjun reported in detail the financial income and expenditure of the service team last year and the sponsorship mclassiconey received this time.

In Weng Hua, Peng Daojian, Li Feng, Wanclassicmugg Yan, Lei Hd, Wang Daoming, Chen Zong and other leaders lion fteamviewerriends and guests witness, Zheng Yukuan captain ribbon and swasn’tcepter hawas怎么读nded over to Sun Chuaelection中文nxiang. The two captains exchanged gifts and flowers and posed for photos.

Captain Sun Chuan-xiang delivered his inaugural speech. He introduced that in the Newwas Year, the swassupervice team will follow tclassics翻译he slogan of “stay true to the original aspiration, precise support”, iclassicmugnherit the concept of suinauguralstteamainable development and happy service,service是什么意思 standardizeclassics翻译 the development of the service team, raise more service funds, actively carry out public welfare activities suchteamwork asteams手机版 assisting the disabled, helping students, community anti-teamworkdrug publicity and education, and community service, precise support, division of laboceremony复数形式r and cooperation; Do a good job in caring activities foteambitionr lion friends and lion enteceremony同义词rprises; Hold regular meetings of the board of directors ateam什么意思ndclassical lion service training; Strengthenwasn’t interactioteamn and felloteams手机版wship with other service teams in responservice是什么意思se to the call of district council.

The new members of the board of Directors, led by The second Vice President Weng Hua, took the oath of oservice是什么意思中文翻译ffice and received the letter of aserviceableppointment issued by Sun Chuan-xiang. New mteambitionembewasters read the pledge of membeclassicmugrship under the oath of General Affairs Director Peng Daojian and received the new membership badge worn by weng Wah second Vice Presidenwash怎么读t.

Finally, Xieteambition Suguang gave a speech of thanks to the lion friends of classic Servicclassice teteamsam for their strong support, and for their charitable donations and careful planning.

After the ceremony, Hou Xiaopeng ainaugural addressnd Lin Na sang the beautiful songs “Chasing the Dream Hero” and “Iceremony的音标 Love You China” respectively, actors from Yilin Suya Acadeceremony的音标my and Wang Yan from Longgang Guzhenclassicmugg Association performed “Elegant Gesture” and “Jasmine Duo” respectively, And Yang Jiahservice是什么意思ui performed saxophone soteamprolo “Know You by Heart”. Wonderful artisservicebiotic performances added lclassic英雄联盟uster to the evening party, making everyone spend a beautiful and unforgettable evening.

Article/picture contributed by classic Service Team

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