Eastern Rose Service Team: hold the second captain team meeting and the third regular meeting of 2018-2019

Eastern Rose Service Team: hold the second captain team meeting and the third regular meeting of 2018-2rose翻译019
On September 10, 2018, the second captain team mecaptain泰国演员etinsecond怎么读g and the third regular meeting of Oriental Rose Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club was held in Aridi Lighting Technology Co., LTD., Henggang Town, Longgang District. The eastern Rose Service team captain Wang Ybing, the last captain Wei Xinxinmeeting怎么读英语, the fhold的过去式和过去分词irservicemanst vice captain Liu Sheng, the second vice captain Wang Yanrong, the third vice captain Gao Lili, secretary Zhao Liye, finance MAO Yunxia and other 14 people attended the meeting. The meteambitioneting was chaired by Zhao Lina aholdnd phold的过去式和过去分词resided oversecondly by Wang Yanhold不住rong.
At the team meeting, the lions listenedservice是什么故障灯 to the financial expeeasternersnses of the election on August 29 and affirmed the frugahold翻译lity of the elthirdlyection.
At the regular meetingrose是什么意思, Wang Yibing, leader of tteamohe team, announced the main work of the last month, summarized the conteamsdolation activities of Futian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and cuizhu Vocational Health asssecondscreen下载istance activities, hoping that the lion friends continue to care for the vulnerable groups. She also suggested that the elderly, who are left alone, be cared for during chuseok (Korservice是什么意思ean Thanksgiving Day), and encourage lion friends to take part in the Goju Bright Walk.
The lion friends who attended the meeting shared their views on the reelection activities held on August 29. Liu thanked his family for their support. MAO Yunxia praised everyone’s hteamproard work, said some of the detcaptain缩写ails of the activity still need to be improved. Zhao Dandan said that he will actively support this year’s work; Gao Yishan suggested using walkie-talkies for instant messaging at large events; Wei xinxin said the event was a success. The safety of the lions was the most important thing during the rainy weather. Ma Fanglin and Zcaptain什么意思中文hao Liye believe that the emergency plan is not comprehsecondhandensiveastern和east区别e enough, the response speed of lion frieholdernds needs to be imprroseovedcaptainonthebridge, and the specific division of labor should be more detailedcaptain翻译; Captain Wang yibing thanked everyone for their support and appreciateasternersed Wang Yanrongrose‘s abhold键是什么功能ility to organize and execute.
Bymeeting的音标 MAO Yunxthird是什么意思英语ia and Zhao Liye/Ma Fanglin

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