Tiancheng Service Team: held the eighth regular meeting of 2018-2019

Tiancheng Service Team: held the eighth regular meeting of 2018-2019
On February 22, 2019, the 8th Captain team meeting and regular meeting of 2018-2019held of Shenzhen Lions Club Tiancheng Service Tmeeting翻译eam was held in Tianchenteamprog House, 2507, Building A, Meilin Zhuoyuehui Office Building, Futian District. Tiancheng servicmeetingseeighth怎么读音发音英语 team captain Chmeetingyou是什么意思i Minghui, theservicebio first vice captain Cheeighthn Hengbing, the second vicetiancheng captain Wu Manqiong,teams会议 the third vice captain Che Yongjin, seregularitycretary Sheneighth基数词 Xuedan, financial stick Yida and other 13 peopl天秤座和双子座配对e attended the meeting. The meeting wregularlyas presided over by Chi Minghui as the chaireighthman of the conference. Shen Xuedan announced the progress of the last team meeting. The work of天秤座和双子座配对 201service是什么故障灯8 has been completed in January, and the work of Febrheld的意思是什么uary is being planned and sorted out.
Chi Minghui captain of the second half of the service team woservicerk plan for deployment. The 9th teamregular的所有形式 leader meeting and regular meeting of 2018-2019 wilmeeting怎么读英语l be held on March 12; March 16 ~ 17 to carry out huaiji student ret天秤座运势urn visit activities, the service team plans to set up a preparatory special working group, find new help object, and the originservice的名词al help object return visit, clear return visit activity content; Spring outing and membership sservicemanelection meeting (the 10th team lead天秤座女er meetiregular反义词ng an天秤座男d reguleighth读音ar meeting of 2018-2019) will be hservicemaneld from April 13 to 1meeting翻译4 to elect members of the new team leader. The location is initially set at Luofu Mountain, and the specific budget is yet to be determined. The 11th team leader meeting and re甜橙gular memeeting腾讯会议eting of 201eighth8-2019 will be held on May 17; On May 26, special children’s Garden activities will be hmeeting是什么意思eld. The 12th team leader meeting and regular meeting of 2018-2019 will be held on June 5; June 7, Yantian Dragon Boat Festival to help the disabled fellowship activities; In Jeighth音标une, the “Brigmeeting是什么中文意思ht Trip” activity will be held. Viscosidservicemana reported its February financservice是什么意思ial results. Cha Yongjin, the third vice – captain of the publicity group on the stanheld是hold的什么形式dard system and future plans for the explanation. In terms of the module construction of the service team, the wechat official account of the service team can collect, organize, store and editeamst pictures, texts aregularitynd videos by fiximeeting怎么读英语ng the lion Club culture and structure, lion News and information related to the public welfare industry. At the end of the meeting, Captain Chi minghui announced that the bell rang anheld的原型d adjourned. All the participants cut cakes to celebrate the February birthday of Tianserviceablecheng Service Team lion friends. It wateams simple and warm.
The textservice怎么读/Gong Hui
Photo/Deng Xuefeng

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