The difference between the medals and medal medals

.; Memorial Chapter is generally the product of the associatedmedals中文翻译 historical evendifference复数ts, such as the modern anti-US aid chaptmedals读音er, the more than the 20th anniversary of the victory of the vbetween是什么意思英语ictory, etc.It mainly exmedals怎么读presses commdifference是可数名词吗emorative challenges issued by the events and characters such as historical contributions.
.; The subject of medal commebetween什么意思中文ndation is thmedallion是什么轮胎e rank level, and people who have a specmedals是什么意思ial contribution to the country will issue medaldifference复数s.
.; The medal commendation ibetween造句s the mass group, facing companies, teams, individuals, etc.between造句, thobetween and的用法的意思se who have special contributions to the enterprise or department, and we call this souvenir.
.; Although the name is different from the use, tmedallion是什么轮胎he material, crafts, etc. of the commemorative chapter are roughly the same, or the special material can be made according to custmedalsomer needs.
.; Related Searchdifference的用法es: Memorial Customs Factormedals怎么读y

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