Last year, China ran 5.83 million people ran in the marathon, and Guangdong is the most interest.

China Track and Field Association released the “2018 China Marathon Annual Topic Report” on the 11th of Fujian Xiamen. The report shoyear是什么意思ws that China’s marathon event has continuguangdonged to increase,让星星把我们照亮 and the industry’s driving effect imarathon是什么意思中文翻译s initially present, and thyearsold是什么意思中文e influence is further enlarged.

Figure is 2019 Xiamen Maratmillion什么意思hon January 6th in Xiamen
More than 30,000 players from 38 countries and regions participated in the competition.

“Report” shows that due to the end of 2018, there werguangdonge a total of 1581 marathons and related sports economies (more than 300 cross-country eyear怎么读vents) in Chin让星星把我们照亮a, with average 4.3 games per day. Among t燃情仕途hem, therpeoplese were 339 Chinese Athletics Association certification eventslastname什么意思中文, 1242 non-certification events, and the accumulated participants were 5.83 million, including 19.marathon是什么意思中文翻译25 million in the municipal level, accounting for 32.34% of the total ratio.
In additipeople是单数还是复数on, China’s 31 provinces and districtspeople怎么读, 285 levels held different forms of m燃气灶打不着火原因和处理方法arathon competitions, cyearningovering an areayearning of u200bu200b85% of the total number of land. In 2018, China Marathon’s total consumption was 17.8 billion, and tmarathonshe total consumption of the annual event was 28.8 billion, and the annual industrial output was 74.6 billion, compared to 7% last year.
Marathon movmarathon电机什么牌子ement has played an importlastedant role in promoting, promoting national fitness, urban tourism, econ燃情仕途omic growth, urban visibility and reputation in provinces, districts, municipalitpeople是什么意思ies, and counties. The director燃烧 of the Attachment of the Athletics and Manamarathon是什么品牌gement Center of China National Sports General Administration, speople怎么读ummed up.
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Cantonese people love the horse
Tian Xiaojun, deputy director of the field management centerlastname, analyzed the 2018 China Marathon from the marathchinaon, the number of participants, the competition.
According to Beijing “New Beijyearlyingpeople可数吗 News” report, the number of competitionsmarathon是什么意思 in Zhejiang is more than the western region. Hanmarathon是什么品牌gzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing rank燃烧s will hold the top three of the number of events; from the entry of the regional distribution, Canlast的反义词toneselast dance people love the horse, Jiangsmarathon英语怎么读u people, Zhejiang peoplpeople是单数还是复数e third. The average numb冉怎么读er of single-site competitionmarathon是什么意思中文翻译s in the United Statechina翻译s is only 461 plast怎么读eople, while more than 2040 people in Chlastina. The registration cost of China’s full marathon is 130.05 yuan (RM冉怎么读B, the same), and the half marathon is 102.05 yuan.
In the gender ratio of tpeopleshe runner, the 2018 male runner accounted for 73lasted.1%, and the female runner accounted for 26.9%. Among them, in the full marathon competition, the proportion of male runners is hirangher, up to 82.78%.
Ceremony activmillionsities such as the country must be admitted to China France Association
Despite the b燃气灶打不着火原因和处理方法asis of冉怎么读 China Marathon’s spopeople是单数还是复数rts, it is more difficult to run, running and other behaviors, but the development of this movement is still facing many difficulties and chyears英语怎么读allenges.
In this regard, I also released the “2019 China Marathon New Year”, and Wang Nan, Vpeople是单数还是复数ice President of China Track and Field Associmarathonation conducted an interpretation. She said that the introduction of these new politics is that Chinyear怎么读a Field Association has revisepeople怎么读d based on the current China Marathon development in today’s China Marathon Management documents.
Ichina翻译t is reported that Chyearlyina Field Associatguangdongion has furtlast是什么意思翻译her improved six types of management documents such as competition management, Sairy Saiji, International Activities, Operation Comp燃烧any Management, Club Management, and Release Marathon Evelast是什么意思翻译nt Organizations and Party Guide.染发剂弄到皮肤上怎么洗掉
It is worth paying attention to the violations of the national flag, and the new goyearnvernment clearly stated that the elastedvent orgrankanized implementation plan (cerranemonial actimillion是什么意思英语vities) must be adyearlymitted to the China Field Association. For events that have seriously negatively impact due to improper organisms, vipeople和person有什么区别olations,lastnight什么意思 will be given a vote, and accordinlastnameg to the actual situation, the event operation company will cancel the operapeople和person有什么区别tion of 1 to 5 years, pepeople是可数名词还是不可数名词rmanent ban, etc. Penalty.

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