What is the difference between the medial plating and electrophoresis?

.; The key process for medal production is a plating process. It is simple to sabetween的英语怎么读啊y that it is a color of gold and silveelectrophoresis杂志r celectrophoresis名词解释opper on medals.This may be used in the electroelectrophoresis是什么意思plating process or electrophoresis process, which is not only very dplating layerifferent in the appearance.
.; Electroplating colors, generally attach a metal film on the site, whibetween什么意思中文le electrophoresis coloring is used by electric field to transfer the pigment to the medal surface, whidifferencech is a different point of opemedialtemration.
.; There is also a very obviousmedial dwhat怎么读ifference in appearance, plplating layerated to color medals, appearance can have briplating layerght gold and dumb gold, while the medal color of electelectrophoresis翻译rophoresis is relatively dark, sweep appearanceThe ancient gold, it looks more old color, which is electrophmedialonoresed.
u002medial是什么意思啊6 nbdifference是可数名词吗sp; . . We have to determinewhat是什么意思翻译 the appearance color of themedially medbetween是什么意思英语al when choosing a medal, becauseplating翻译 there is nbetween是什么意思英语o need to make a difference.

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