The color of the name tag lanyard can be used to distinguish many occupations

Badge is one of the necessary office supplies for professionals. The color of the tag can also represent many meanings. Do you know the meaning behind the tag of different colors? The choiccolorkeye of colors of varioulanyards ioccupation是什么意思中文翻译ndustries will be different. For example, blue name tag lanyard is mostly used for education and intermediary services, because blue is subjelanyard海词ctive and gives people emotional factors of future, hope and friendliness; Processing and manufacturing | | machinery equipment and equipment mainly for the dark blue, dark blue, but in terms of human emotional expression is a safe, reliable and trusted emotionadistinguish的用法l factors; Advertising | media industry mainly use red, because red has a cerdistinguishabletain effect, at the same time with popular re塔沟d is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. For the advertising media indtagustry, the widespread use of red also accords with the industry’s own attributes.name怎么读 The color of the chest card lanyard manufacturer is a manifestation of the company’s culture, and the color of the chest card lanyard is an important part of the companlanyard 是什么意思y’s VI. It will be selected according totag是什么意思啊 the standard color of codistinguished什么意思mpany VI. Different groups of people will also have different col蓝牙rdaors. For example, larger companies with multiple departments may use ccoloredolor-coded ladd蓝牙rdcers for different departments and age groups. Young people may choose more enthusiastic and energetic colors, such as red and orange. Name card lanyard cdistinguish的形容词olor can be used to distinguish. For example, coused tompanies give employees and customers to wear different colors of the badge, easy for custometagrs to identify service personnel or staff, but also easy for staff to identifoccupation selectiony dif满月之下请相爱电视剧ferent customers. Orange represents the staff, because orange is a bright and lively bright color. It is the warmest color in the warm color system, representing enthusiadistinguishedsm. Purple is often used for VIP customerscolor是什么意思翻译, because purple is a kind of elegant and distinguished color. In addition, companies can also use different colors to reflect the rewar他改变了我征文d lanyard, such asname’s the monthly sales champion can wear a red delicaused的用法和搭配te tag lanyard.

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