What is environmental protection lanyard

What is environmental protection lanyard? The requirements of environmental protection hang rope, will tell from the literalprotection meaning is the hanging rope need to wenvironmentalistithstand testing center inspection, can hang rope manufacturer certified by relevant departments must use health, green, helanyardalth cotton material to do cotton belt, followed by making environmental hawhatsapp安卓下载安装ng rope machprotection手表ine aprotection手表怎么调时间lso needenvironmental是什么意思 to have these conditions, can be considered enviprotection是什么意思ronmental hang on the rope.
Internationally, environmentally friendly lashes are the general term for lashes that can pass oeko-Tex Standard100 certification. At present, twhatsapp官方网下载he domestic definition of environmental protection lhang rope is the lhang rope manufacturers can pasenvironmentalist是什么意思s oeko-Tex Standard100 certification (Oekprotection儿童电话手表o-TEX Standard100 is in 1992 Germany Henvironmental是什么意思ohenstein research Association and Vienna-Austriawhat什么意思 Textile research Associatiprotection儿童电话手表on formulated.
There are now 13 testinprotectiong associations whose main task is to test textiles for hazardous substances tprotection是什么牌子o determine their swhatsapp官方网下载afety. Oeko-tex Standard 100 is now the most widely usedlanyard photo翻译 eco-label for textiles. The OekO-Tex Standenvironmental怎么读ard 100 sets limits on the content of hazardous substances in yprotection手表怎么调时间arns, fibres and teenvironmentalxtiles in accordance with the latest scieprotection怎么读ntific knolanyard pull handlewlenvironmentally是什么意思edge. Only manufacturers that provide verifiable qualiprotectionsty assurance in accordance with rigorous testing and inspection procedures are allowed to use the OekO-Tex lprotection怎么读abel on their products.)
So hoenvironmental怎么读w to identify this type of rope is envirprotection什么意思中文onmentallanyard海词 protection?
1. Is the PH value
The surface of human skin is weakly acidic, and the pH value oprotectionsf textiles in direct contact with the skin should be between weakly acidic and neutral, so as not to cause itching of the sklanyardhole是什么意思in aenvironmentalistsndwhatif destroy the weakly acidic environmentprotection手表怎么调时间 of the skin surface.
2. The formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a toxic substance, which is harmful to the protoplasm of biologicwhatif漫威在线观看al cells. Through contact with the human respiratory tract and skin, it strongly stimulates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, causing inflammatwhatsapp官方网下载ion of the respiratorywhat是什么意思翻译 trprotection卡西欧act and dermatitis.
3. The heavy metal
The cu蓝牙rdcmulative tprotectionismoxicity of heavy metals to human body is quite serious. When the accumulatioenvironmentalismn of heavprotection手表y metals in the afflanyard photo翻译ected organs reaches a certain degree, it will cause certain harm to heaenvironmentallylth.

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