Why thermal transfer printing technology is the best choice for mobile phone lanyard

If you understand mobile phone hang rope industry should know, thermal transfer is now a new printing process, and the printing printingtechnology怎么读 filphone是什么意思m used in mobile phone rope is online printing, is to advance the pprinting是什么意思中文attern printed on membrane surface, smobile怎么读uch a printed paprintingdocument是什么意思啊ttern color is more bright-coloured, small color difference, and so on performance can meet the needs of users.
General thermal transfer hang rope is suitable for small batch and many kinds of style of personalized customization customers, there is some inclu往后余生歌词de full-color images printed phone rope, it is the work is tprintinghe digital design with spectransfer和transform的区别ial heat transfer through the printer ink printed on the transfer printiprintingng special paper, again with special transfer printing mmobileachine, high temperature and high pressure to pattern transfer to the surface of goods, finished goods printed.
Mobile phone rope transfer processing through a heat transfer machine processing (heating pressure) trphone怎么读语音ansfer film on the e往后余生歌词xquisite pattern transfer on the surface of the product, forming ink layer and product surface dissolbestieved into one, realistprinting processicbestv and beautiful, greatly improvchoice37e the grade of the product. But because th往后余生e technologychoice c往后余生ontent of mobile phone rope is high, so in the material should also choose high quality oh, our IMkGIFT rope is selected by the first-class materials, safety and environmental protection, you can complethermal什么意思tely reschoice金融数据终端t assured.
Well, thebestwishes中文翻译 atransfer用法bove is justphone是什么意思 about the heat transfer of mobile phonebest wishes lanyard knowledge, there is a need to customize mobile phone lanyard users cathermallyn call to consult.

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