Mobile phone lanyard color fastness to detect what items

I don’t know if you have the habit of using the phone rope. It brings great convenience to our life. It can prevent the phone from being lost or knocked against when going out. The color fcolorful是什么意思英语acolorosstness of the phone rope has an impact on the quality
1. Color fastness to washing. The sample is sewn togethercolorkey with the standard stick lininphone是什么意思中文翻译成为g fabric, washitems是什么意思中文ed, cleaned and dried, and wphone怎么读ashed under suitable temperature, alcolorfulkalinity, bleaching and friction conditions, so that the test results can be obtained in a short time. The friction is accompphonelished by rcolorful是什么意思英语olanyard 翻译lling and impingement of a small bath ratdetector是什么意思中文ioitems是什么意思中文 and alanyard loopn appropriate number of stainless steemobile怎么读l beads, whiitem是什么意思中文ch are rated by gray cards and obtained by test results. Different test methods hwhatave differecolorkeynt temperatumobilelink官方下载re, alkalinity, bleaching and frictionfastness 的英语解释 conditions and sample sicolorrushzes, depending on test standards and cmobile是什么意思ustomer requlanyard photo翻译irements. General washing color fastness is poor blue, blue, blalanyard 翻译ck red, navy bdetectionlue and so on.
2, dayphone是什么意思中文翻译成为 & have spent &nitems翻译bsmobile是什么意思p; Light fastness. Wheitems在python中是什么意思n textiles are used, they are usually exposed to light, which can destroy the dyes and lead to tfastness怎么读he well-known fading, causing colored textiles to become discoloredetectabled, generally light and dark, and some alsocolorpop have colofastness翻译r changes. Therefore, it is necessary to test for color fastness, sun color fastness test, The blue wool standmobileprohubs美国官网ard cloth with different fastness grades was exposed to sunlight under specified conditionphone是什么意思s. The blue wooldetected standard clotitem是什么意思中文h with different fastness grades was compawhatif漫威在线观看red with the blue wool standard cloth to evaluatdetectablee the light fasfastness什么意思tness. Thitemse higher the blue wool standard clotphone是什么意思中文翻译成为h wilanyard 是什么意思th different fastness grades, the more light fastness the blue wool standard cloth was.phone系统
3. Rubbing color fastness. The sample is placed on the rubbing fastness tester andlanyard海词 rubbed with a standard rubbing wlanyardhite cloth at adetect名词 certain pressure for a certain number of times. The dry rubbing colour fastness and wet rubbing codetectedlour fastness are required for each group of samples.fastness是什么词性 Color stains on stanitems中文翻译dard friction white cloth are gwhatraded by graylanyardhole是什么意思 card, resulting in a series of measured friction color fastness. Both dry and wet rubbing tests are required forcoloros12 color fastness to frictiofastness怎么读n. All colors onfastness怎么读 the sample should be rubbed.

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