Several dyeing processes of mobile phone lanyard

Dyeing is the treatment of the phone string in a chemical dye solution; Coatings are made into tiny insoluble colored particles that adhlanyard海词ere to fabrics.
Several dyeing pr蓝牙rdcocesses of mobile phonphonetice lanyard:
1, azo fuel (naftol dye), suitable for cellulose fabrics, bright color, more suitable for bright color.
2, cationic dye (aldyeingkaline fuel), suitseveral timesable for acrylic fiber, polyester fiber, polyamide fiber and protein fiber. It is characterimobile怎么读zed by bright color, very suitable fdyeing翻译or artificial fiber, but used for natural cellulose and protlanyard海词ein fabric washing and lseveral等于什么ight resistance is very poor.
3, direct dprocesses中文翻译ye, suitable for cellulose fiber fabrics, washing fastness is poor, light resistance is not the same, but the modified direct dye washing chroma will be very good improprocesses中文翻译vement.
4, disperse dyes, suitable for viscose, acrylic fiber, nylon, polyester, etc., washing fastness isphone怎么读语音 different, polyester is better, viscose is worse.
5, acid dyes, more suitable for protein fiber and nylon flanyardiber and sil蓝牙rdck, etc. It is characterized by bright color, poor washing degree and excseveral同义词ellentseveral dry cleaning degree. It is widely used in natural dyiphone怎么读语音ng dyeing.
6, reactive dyes, mostly used for cellulose fiber fabrics, less usdyeinged for protein. It is characterized by bright color, light resistance, washing and good friction resistanceseveral用法.
7, vulcanized dyes, suitable for cellulanyard海词lose fiber fabrics, dark color, mainly dark blue, black and brown, lightseveral中文翻译 resistance, water resistance is excellanyards什么意思lent, chlorine bleaching resistance is poor, long-term storage fabric will destroy fiber.
8, Vprocesses dataAT dyes, suitable for celludyeing读音lose fiber fabrics, light resistance, washing is very good, and resistance to chlorine bleaching and other oxidation bleaching.
9, coating, suitable for all fiber, it is not a dye, bumobile是什么意思t through the resin mechanical adhesion fiber, dark fabric will harden, but the color is vlanyardery acphonemescurate, most of the light resistseveral同义词ance is good, good washing, especially medium and light color.
Through the above comparison, we can clearly see which rlanyardhole是什么意思aw materials are more suitable for lanyard lanyard.

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