Do you know the quality index of the lanyard?

With the popularization of mobile phones, people no longer feel that owning a mobile phone is a thing that can not be played, no longer value the value of mobile phones, the corresponding mobile phone hanging rope manufacturers business has been greatly affected. Inknowing real life, color fastness is one of the important quality indicators of the rope, mainly according to the end use of thequality加ify的形式 product to determine which items to assess. Ha东方财富网ng rope manufacturer all dknowingyeing of textiles should be appraised, the cquality翻译olor fastness to various蓝牙rda projects, the current mobi斗罗大陆漫画le phone hang rope malanyard loopnufacturers, therequality加ify的形式 are the commonly used color fastness to washing fastness and light fastness in dknowsyeingknowing fastness, rubbing fastness, color fastness toquality perspiration, to test the samples after thequality color change, white cloth dipped in the degree oflanyard loop color fastness rating said, weather fastness and so on. The so-called color fasquality什么意思tness refers to the color fastness to perspirquality变形ation, dry friction and water immersion under the physindex函数的使用方法ical and chemical action of抖音极速版 the dyed rope. The coloknow是什么意思r fastness is required by the basic safety technical specifications of the mobile phone rope. The color fastness is called the color fastness of the dyed rope affected by the outside world.

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