Common matters needing attention in rope dyeing

There are a lot of detailed information about rope dyeing on the Internet for reference, but relatively speaking, rope dyeing involvescommon是什么意思英语 a wide range of gardens. There is no systematic introduction on the Ineeding restnternet of wdyeing原型hat matters should be paid atcommonly的意思tention to when starting the dyeing process of rope dyeing.
How to dye tcommon是什么意思英语he roneeding用法pe, dyattention翻译e matching application, dyeing machine temperature adjustment and so on, how to open the rope hanger machine, to ensure that the finished prneeding restoduct can be better one timatters是什么意思me dyeing?attention怎么读 There is moreneeding rest lanyardropes knowledge to supply the. So what matters need to pay attention to the lanyard dyeing and how to hacommon翻译ve steps in order to dye the followimatter是什么意思ng IMkgift gift lanyard technicians to talk about itneeding词性 in detail.
Lanyard dyeincommonlyg technology 8 projects
First of all: before the lanyard is dyed to determine the fropeway怎么读语音iropesnished product is polyester or nylmatter是什么意思英语on material, IMkGIFT gift lanyamatter是什么意思英语rd production products are mainly lanyard, ribbon, if it isneeding的意思 dyed lanyard then first determine the dye, how much acid, the dosage of aneeding词性dditives, the lanyard dyeing groove pressure and so on.
Secondly: dyeing machinedyeing是什么意思 heating speed, pre-drying temperature, glue formula, steam box to maintain the temperature.
Finally: ineeding用法s the rope dyeirope怎么读ng, after washing, drying time, heat preservation time and so on. Some lanyard products sometimes need sunlight due to the indyeing是什么意思fluence of the weather (also insolation fastness tomatter是什么意思 reach the standard), so it will be put in the sunrope to dry.
Dongguan IMkGIFT Gift Lanyard Co., LTD.,matter是什么意思中文 the brand name is IMkGIFT, the world’s preferred suppcommon怎么读liercommonality of clotneeding是进行时态吗hing ingredients
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