Lanyard material – Lanyard molding glue process

Lanyard finalize the glue advantages
The glue paste of weaving mark and lanyard has the advantages of low cost, excellent quality, strong hardnmolding工艺ess, non-sticking, bright color, no adverse efprocessedfect on dyeing and post-processing, and is the most ideal product for chemical fiber weaving, plantilanyardng thread, lanyard, weavimaterial怎么读ng mark, elastic band and computer trademark weavinlanyard photo翻译g. (other textile products can be used) Thprocessor处理器is product does not contain benzene, aldehyde, alcohol substances, harmless, non-toxic, no radiation and side effects on human body. After quality inspection and environmental protection department identiprocessfication, belongs to environmentlanyardhole是什么意思al protection products. (Model H-212)
Overview of lanyard forming glue
One, main ingrelanyard photo翻译dients: acrymolding是什么意思lic monomer, and environmental protection smoothing agent, dry agent, penetrant, antmoldingi-static agent, stiff resin as auxiliary materials, are water-soluble materials.
Two, technical indlanyard海词icators:
Composition: acrylate copolymer emulsprocess翻译ion
Appearance: milky blue transparent viscous body
Content: 221% (active ingredient)
Viscosity: 2000 aps / 25 ℃
PH: 6-7
Ionic: anion
Solubility: all soluble in water
三、 使用方法:H-210H-212型胶浆在配方中的使用浓度需考虑预计数量和其它条件(丝的种类粗glue翻译细、织物的种类)后再进行使用。
1lanyard海词. Blending method: Add water into the proper proportion of raw pulp and adjust it according to the required concentration.
2, the viscosity of thprocessinge slurry reflects the fastness of the slurry film and the ability to hold the fabric, generalprocessionly speaking, the viscosity of the high slurry film is better, but the visc蓝牙rdcosity is tglue是什么意思中文翻译是什么意思oo high will planyard photo翻译roduce the slurry bonmolding机d, the permeabilglue是什么意思英语ity is poor, so the viscosityprocession是什么意思 of the slurry should be determined according to the performgluestick怎么读音发音ance of the silk, the variety of thlanyard pull handlee fabric and woven products. This product has the good performance of preventing yarn strippinmolding怎么读g and decolorization.
Iv. Packaging and storage: packed in plastic drums of 50 liters, the storagemolding gate period is 12 months.
Tglue可数吗he above information is provided by imkgift Giftmaterial lanyard设备

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