Explain that the color of the badge lanyard can be used to distinguish

But did you know that the color of your tag tag can mean a lot? Different industries wibadger獾怎么读ll choose diffe澳门rent colors for the name tag lanyard. For example, blue name tag lanyards are mostly used in the field of education and intermediary service shops, because bamplifierlue gives people a kind of future, hope and friendly emotional factors from the subjective point of view. Mechanical |爱美剧 processing | instrument equcoloredipmampereent use dark blue, dark blue, in the aspect of human emotion performance, have a safe,不太正经的黑科技大佬 reliable and trusted emotiobut是什么意思nal factors. Advertising | media indampmustry multi-purpose red, because red has certain expressive, with unabashed individuality, and at the samchoose的形容词e time, red is a symbol of happiness and prosperity in view of the advertising media industrychoose怎么读, the widcolor是什么意思翻译e application of red, is also in line with the industry itself the prope暗影格斗rties of the genes. The color of the badge lanyard is an em澳门bodi从封神开始的诸天之旅ment of the company culture, and the color of the badge lanyard is an important part of the VI of the company. It will be selected according to the standardbadger币最新消息 color of companychoose的过去式和过去分词是什么 VI. Different groups of people will also hbuttonave different colors. For example, a company with multiple departments anbadge是什么牌子d a large age span of employees may use different colors of badge lanya从火影开始做幕后黑手rds to distinguish employeesbadgetway什么意思 of different departments and age groups. Young people may choose the more enthusiastic and energetic color安逸花s of the lanyard, such as red, orange and so on. Name c补铁的蔬菜和水果都有哪些ard lanyard cobutlor can be used to distinguish. For example, com补铁的食物有哪些panies give employees and customers to weabadgerr different colors of the badge, easy for customers to identify service personnel or staff, but also easy for staff to identify different customers. Orange representsampm the staff, be安悦溪cause orange is a bright and lively bright color. It is the warmest color in the warm color system, representing enthusiasm. Purple is often used for VIP customers, because purple is a kind of elegant and distinguished color. In addition, for tamplifyhe company, you can also use differechoose怎么读ntcolorkey colors to reflect the reward, such as the monthly sales champion can wear a red exquisite tag rope and so on.

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