Talk about the common knowledge of wrist strap and how it works

The human skin is in direct contact with the conductive material on the wrist strap. When the wrist strap is grounded, the static electricity generated by human movement is quickly released through the grounding system to efftalk的过去式ectively eliminate static etalkback模式如何退出lectricity, and the ultimate goal of static discharge (static volttalked怎么读音agcommonnesse balance) is achieved. The wrworksist strap is composed of elastic bracelet or Velcro ring, metal ring, rubber rinhowever什么意思g, with slingshot line, crocodile clip. It has thecommonly characteristics of fast dispersing (S 0.1s), durable (slingshot line can resist bending 30,000 times), safe (built-in 1M power limiting resistance),howl and can babout的音标e repeatedly cleaned. Slingshot line length can bwristbande customknowledge翻译ized achowevercording to customer requaboutirements, commonly used specificationabout的音标s are 6 feet (1.83M), 8 feet (2.44M), 1how是什么意思0 feet (3.048), 12 feet (3.658M). (1) It can bwristiese used as a result of improper personnel touching high static power supply, resuwristies什么意思lting in the instant iworks是什么意思ntroduction of a large amount of static charge. When the ion newristbandutralizatiohow怎么读n is not completed, it can be provided by the external air and wathowareyou是什么意思中文er molecules with the screw (Corona discharge effect) to effectively eliminate static electricity. To achieve the ultimate purpose of electrostatic dischargwristband是什么意思中文e (static voworksheetltage balance) (2) the screw can be usedwrist是什么意思 for potentiknowledge可数吗al return to zero function (just touchtalkback模式如何退出 the screw to ground), (3) can be used as a loop detection twristerminal. Cable grounding wrist band is the basic of anti-static equipment, butwristband also for generaworksl use on the production line of supplies, not only on the construction and operation is very convenient, are often on the price afwrist是什么意思fordable, its reason is through the wrist sknowledge什么意思trap and ground wire, to human body electrostatic discharge toknowledge造句 the earth, so use wrknowledge的形容词isthoweverbands necessary reastrapon女王lly contact withwrist是什么意思 the skin, also need direct groundiaboutng grounding line, And ensure that the grounding line unimpeded to play a largworks怎么读e effect. Esd wrist strap An ESD ring is worn on human wristsstrapon是什么意思啊 to release the accumulated electrostatic charges. It is divided into linearworkshop是什么意思啊, linear, metal ring and elastic conductive wire mixed ring. Thihow是什么意思s product is one of thestrap是什么意思中文 anti-statabout是什么意思ic wrist strap buckle adjustable linear, it can effectively protect the zero resistance parts from static interference, to release the static electricity of the human body. It is composed of anti-static elaswristtic band, movable snap, spriwristies什么意思ng cord, protective resistance and chuworkspace是什么意思啊ck. The inner layeabout怎么读语音r of the elastic band is wovknowledge什么意思en with anti-static yarn and tcommonplacehe outer layer is woven wiwristband是什么意思中文th ordinary yarn. The principle of the esd cable wrist strap is to condustrap是什么意思中文ct the static elecwrist怎么读tricity of the human body to the earth through the wrist strap and ground cable. Use the wrist strap in contact with the skin and ensuhowre that the grounding cable is directly grouwrist怎么读nded for maximum effectiveness. Wear the esd wrist strap, it can safely remove theworksheet是什么意思中文翻译 static electricitywrist generated in the body within 0.1 seabout:srcdocconds, grounding wrist strap is the basic antistatic equipment, but also for common use.

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