Lanyard manufacturers share the steps and methods of jadeware lanyard binding

Lanyard manufacturers give you jade lanyard proper binding method:
Step 1: fire the t砂仁图片op of the two ropes with a lighter, twist the rope to a point before condensstepsation, through the hole in the jade.
Step 2: Separate the two ropes, turn t蓝牙rdche right rope over and bend it to the left. Then the rope on the left side ojade wares是什么意思f the rope on the right side, around the back, through the hole whermethods是什么意思e the杀人蜂 rope omanufacturers是什么意思n the right sidmanufacturer是什么意思中文翻译e came back. Pull the twmethodso ropes tight.
Step 3: Turn the left rope to themethod什么意思 top, bend to the right, pull the right rope, wind tlanyard photo翻译o the back, through the holmethodse made by the left rope, pull 2 ropes.
F蓝牙rdainishjade ware pit this step, basically OK, if the feeling is notsteps前面加什么动词 tight, can thmethodsen repeat the third step.
If the feeling is ok, then look down: The last step: cut bothmethods是什么意思 sides of the rope, a small piece of oh, do not cut too bald. Then burn it with a lighter, melt it and s砂仁的功效与作用tick it there.
Have you masmanufacturers怎么读tered the above procunbindingedures? As farmanufacturers怎么读 as the author knows, the rope tied out like tsteps前面加什么动词hat is too tight and not easy to rotate back and forth!method什么意思中文 If you want to kbinding啤酒now a lot of informatishare微博on about jade pendant rope, please cmanufacturers什么意思中文ontinue to pay attention to this website upgrade oh!

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