Jade pendant how to match the rope? Rope knot method

A color jade kind of outstanding good pendant, there is no good hanging rope can not wear;matchmaker If match a rohow的用法pe at will, not only can not highlight the beauty of pendantrope怎么读, still can continue to shine, it isjadeite a pity that pendant; If too hang rope imethods怎么读英语s complex, even if hang rope price is expensive and hang piece demethod什么意思serve to rise, also look turn away from home give priority to, good meal is not afraid late just be key place.
K gold neknottedcklace and lanyard for the bmatchlock degree is small, in 2cm*2cm pendants, and even smaller, gojadeiteod copendant killlor is the best to play a K gold buckle, with K gold chain wear wear more beamatches是什么意思中文utiful; If this ratio is exmethodologycrope翻译eeded, plusropeway什么意思中文 some thickness, it looks like the chain and the pendant are not matched, the pendant is too heavy and thmethode gas pressure on the skin of the cjaden英文名什么意思hain is strorope的音标ng, strangling the njade怎么读ehow是什么意思ck. Lumpy, preferably or with a rope to wear.
The colorope是什么意思英语r of the rope jadeitknot是什么意思中文翻译e kind of good pendant, with black rope wear good.
Imperial green jade, yelmatch的用法low boxwood green pendant with black rope is good.
Bean-green pendant with red rope werope是什么意思英语aring beautiful should bmethodse used by everyone on the color of different preferenhoweverces, such as: some people love plum brigrope的音标ht red, some people love dark green, this year of people with red romethod的用法pe bracelet, childrehowareyou是什么意思中文n choose colorful rope, these. 1, the more simple, the better, simple rope, highlighting the beauty of jade material. 2, can be arranged a lot of pineapple knot, highlighting the ancient color of jade. 3. Use small beamatches是什么意思中文ds about 4match怎么读cm in diamemethodologyter of ice species to weave the rpendant killope, and use 2-3 snakeknots in the middle of the beads to separate them, so that they feel smooth when wearing. Especially summer wear refreshinhow是什么意思g, not easy to allergic; Autumn and spring wear in cashmere, cashmmethod和way的区别ere sweater outside is not easy to cause wire. 4, with platinum (bmatch是什么意思eads or path path) chain made, according to two different materials (jadknot是什么意思e jade and blood peaknot是什么意思中文翻译rl) color highlights the artpendantsistic beauty of jade jade.
(two) color jade kind of general but hand carmethodologyvinrope是什么意思英语g is very gmatches是什么意思中文ood pendant set rope, I often use beads, path path, small bottles, small jointed high and snake knot separated, the line and beads set up some fancy, can not be too complex, the rope is morknot是什么意思e and more tmethod电影oo fancy, the delicate pendant is not hipendanticghlighted, and turned the main.
(3) It is best to use black agate stone beads to make the carved pirope翻译eces of cyanknotfictionin and iron dragon raw materials. The arrangemenjade排泄t pattern of the chain shoulmethod和way的区别d be decided accormatch的用法ding to the size and appearance of the pendant. The agate stone ispendant中文翻译 matched with the pendant of these tjadewo raw materials, which has ancient flavpendanticor and chowever什么意思harm.
(four) purple philippknot是什么意思e pendant 1, with a black rope pmatchinglus a green philippe beads, strong saturation. 2, with platinum amber (blood Po or gold Po) plait chain, beads and beads in the middle of the two form a good.
(five) Yellow philippe pendant own use of bljade是什么意思ack, red rope braceleknots是什么单位t, ice chain, the actual efhowfect of ropemethod电影 amatches是什么意思中文re poor, with yelmatchesfashionlow Philippe beads written into the chain is a very good choice.
&nmethodologiesbsp; 1. Chains made of platinum amber (bhowleads or roadways) match Xinjiang Hetian jade. 2, with Indian rosewood reborn beads bracelet and Xinjiang Hetian jade supplement each other.
(seven) on the ground stalls, play attractionjadens to buy bricks hanging
Had better be to buy pendant when come incidentally hang rope, grasping the standard that economyhowever develops, save cost, the key is not the pair probljade是什么意思em that pendant andhow hang rope, it is fashionable tideknotting only and mojade软件怎么分析xrdod cheerful ability bependant kill the most important.
Prepare special tools in advance:
Perforated pendant, lanyard, scissors, lightrope翻译er
Hanging rope knot method
&jade软件nbsp;pendantic 1, fire rope, whileknots是什么单位 hot scraping wire pinched fpendantlistine, can make it across the hole
2. The rope ends cross the hanging holmethod电影e togetmethod的用法her
&nbsjade软件p; 3, according to personal interests with moderate length of binding length such as 1cm
4. Open the end of thjadee rope and tie a knot around the other side
5. Tijade英文名e a knot on the other side
6. Tiemethod电影 again in thrope怎么读e opposite direction
Such a positive and negative tie, until the length of the remaining rope head
&njade是什么意思bsp; 8. End with a ljade怎么读ighter
Jadmethods翻译e pendant hand piece through the rope
The first step is line crossing
The second step
The third step
The fourth step
Rememberknotfiction this step, the two wires must be taut on both sidesknots.
&nbknotsp; This is the last step. It worked
Below for everybody to say some abmethodologiesout how to wear Buddha string, match jadeite jade lanyard little common sense, look forward to helping everybody!
rope Condition one: Mount thjade软件e pendant immediately
First, we talk about tying the problem, genhowareyou是什么意思中文erally if it is immediately on the pendant, the general flat knotmatch函数 can be used.
To put it bluntly, the instant pendant is something close tomatches是什么意思中文 that
If tie knot is not quite good not only hapendant用法rm beautiful and generous
At the samatch怎么读me time, loose goods are very easy to lose
&match函数nbsp; A flat knot actually looknots是什么单位ks like thisropeskipping:
Here’s a reajade本田什么车l case:
The second situation: the middle of the back cloudhow or separated beads
In the style of a string of Buddha string, if the application of back cloud or beads in the middle, only is to enhance itknots翻译s beautiful and generous, at the same time, different beads also means different design style! Kjade排泄now how to use a diamond knot
To put it bluntly, king Kong knot knot mmethod什么意思ethod:
Whether havmethodologye learned
Don’t lose heart at the beginning
Try it a few times and you will find that it is actually so easy
 however什么意思; Learn friends can DIY many different design styles of small pematches是什么意思中文ndants

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