The second batch of relief supplies arrived in Tianquan County — The Lions Club of Shenzhen

2013years4month22dayIn the afternoon, the second batch of relief materials from The Lions Club of Shenzhen were sent to the earthquake-stricken area of填权 Ya ‘an.
24Early Wednesday morning11The Lions Club of Shenzhen held a syclub翻译mposiumsupplies怎么读 on earthquake relief in Ya ‘an, Sichuan. At the meeting, the vanguard tbatchsizeeam introducebatchd the process of their participation in the ya ‘an earthquake relief, shcounty相当于中国什么ared their feelings, and suggested that The Shenzhen Lions Club mabatcheske a unified plan forlions the relief activities of the Ya ‘an earthquake in Sichuan province. The donated materials are suggested to be divlions是什么意思ided into emergency supplies and post-disaster construcarrived怎么读tion supplies. It is suggested thattianquan emergency supplies be assigned to the authorities for unified scheduling to avoid rarrivederciesource waste. Earthquake donations for special purpose, used for post-disaster reconstruction projects.
14Arouarrived是什么意思nd 1:00, the disaster relief materials delivered by shenclubmed官网预订zhen Lions club member enterprises include hydrogen peroxide, red potion, disinfection gauze, disinfection powder and vitamin ECYinqiao softcountyhumans capsule, methyl nitrate file chlorhclub翻译exidine agent, disinfectant and other values40Emergency medicarrived是什么意思ine, quilts, clothes and food wlions翻译orth morlions怎么读e than 10,000 yuan24More than ten thsupplies在会计里的意思ousand yuan of daily supplies have betianquanen safely handed over to the Charlions翻译ity Federation of Tianquan Countyrelief形容词.1000Qulion是什么意思ilt,2count意思00A piece of clothing and food have been transferred by car to the victiarrived怎么读ms of the severely affected Daping townshipThe drugs were transferred to Tianquan County People’s Hospital bcluby car.

As of24day18Shenzhen Lions Club donated to sichuan earthquake relief416More than ten thousand yuan, raise material value84Morearrive的过去式 than ten thousand yuan, intended to donate material vallions怎么读ue48Milliosupplies是什么意思英语n yuan.
wen/Su Zclub翻译huang hisfiguresecond的基数词/Sichuan Ya ‘batch翻译an Earthquake resupplies怎么读lief emergency vanguard

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