The Lions Club of Shenzhen 2014 New Year Charity Gala will be held in the grand Ballroom of Futian Shangri-La Hotel in Shenzhen on Saturday, December 21st. The New Year charity gala is a grand gathering for lions club shenzhen to bid farewell to the old year and uslions怎么读her in the New Year. It alcharityso raises funlions翻译中文ds forclubman lions Clufundraisingb Shenyear翻译zhen 2014-2015 and lays a solid foundation for the smooth development of various service activities in the next liclub怎么读on year. Now we are collecting auction items, special issue advertisemlions怎么读ents, sponsored items, title units, organizers and co-organizers for the 2014 Necharity宽容的爱w Year charity party from all lion friends and social caringcharity-minded people.
A, Measures for soliciting lots for the 2014 New Year Charity Party:
club用英语怎么说nbsp; We are now soliciting auction items of high value from our
new enthusiastic lion friends for the party without reserve price auction
charity翻译 and charity sale. The future developmen
gala是什么意思t of Shenzhen Lions Club is the result of the painstaking efforts and efforts of all lions club members. No matter the value of the auct
lions是什么意思ion items and the amount of money you provide, it is your selfless dedication and participation. We will invite
charity的内涵意义 the lion friends or caring people who
year是什么意思 provide the au
charity的内涵意义ction free of charge to receive the grand tribute at the par
galaty, and the relevant informati
galanzon of the auc
year是什么意思tion w
new怎么读 be timely publicized on
深圳地铁线路图 the website of Shenzhen Lio
gala乐队ns Club, published in the special magazine of the party, and also broadcast on the big
year是什么意思 scree
news可数吗n at the party. If you are intereste
深圳风险等级d in offering the au
galakuction, please provide the introduction of the auction, the photo of the dono
yearcon是什么牌子的r, the information of the s
深圳疫情ervice team and so on.
Contact: Tian Xingwang 139lionsgate0302深圳大学8722, Caclubmed官网预订o Yan 13312987979, Zhacharity怎么读o Xiuzhong 13316lionsgate876599, Zhang Lichen 25688980.
yearning Second深圳大学, Measures to enc深证指数ourage thfundraising怎么读e 2014 Newcharity是什么意思 Year Charity Party to publish sclubmanpecial agalaxydvertisements and sponsored products:
1. One page of special issue advertisement is 2000 YUAN in cash, and the third cover is 15,000 yuan per page, and the second back cover is 20,000 yuan per page;
&nbsnew是什么意思p; 2. If the value of the sponsored product is more than 10,000 yuan, you can make a bagging advertisement or send a page of special issue advertisement, anlions读音d publicize it on the big screen of the website and thyear是什么意思e party scene; If the value is mor深圳地铁线路图e than 50,000 yuan, you canewn make bagging advertisement or send a page of special issue advertisement, publicize on the web深圳大学site and the big screen of the party s深证指数cene, and commend the party scene; If the va深证指数lue igalaxy什么意思s more than 100,000 yuan, you can make bagging advertisement orfundraising怎么读 send a page of special issue advertisement, publicize on the website and the big screen of the party, commecharity宽容的爱nd the party and present a booth (the booth size is 2m×fundraising翻译; 2 m. The sponsorship includes party gifts, prize drawing, charity sale, party drinks and other materials.
Contact: Zhang Cheng 1331685188lionsgate8, Chen Zhuzhan, 13332953333, Chen Shuhuan 13502866090, Zhou Xiaoyangfundraising什么意思 13923778088, Liu Jun 13823289630, Zhang Licheng深圳疫情最新动态 2568898lions英语怎么读0, Zhang Qing 25688960
&lions翻译nbspgala选手; Iii. Measures for soliciting title units,深圳天气 orcharity形容词ganizers and co-or深圳疫情最新消息ganizers of thecharity形容词 2014 New Year Charityearningy Party:
1. One title unit (from rmb100,000 for t深圳天气he evening party). Can enjoy the naming right, can broadcast the enterpriclubsse adnewvertisement on the big screen of the party, send the advertisement of the special issue cover two, give a booth on the spot, the party scene commendation.
&nbcharity和love区别sp; 2. Multiple solicitation organizers (from RMB 50,000 for the gala). Party big screen to send advertising screen, special issue 1P advertising, party scene recognition.
&nbclub翻译sp; 3. Multiple co-organizers (from RMB 20,000 for the evening party). Party big screen tocharity形容词 sendgalaku advertising screen, send special igalanz是什么牌子ssue 1P advertiyearlysing.
&clubman是什么牌子车nbsp; Contact: Liu Wenjie 1390295028深圳地铁线路图8, Zhang Zhihe 13809866177, Yuan Shimin 13new823553320, Zhuang Xufeng 13809886388, Liu Yilin 13925galaku248937, Yao Xiaozclub是什么意思hong 13602675208
 深圳疫情最新动态; Four, About thegalanz是什么牌子 waygalanz是什么牌子 to publish the evening special and donate cash:
Please send the materials to sgala是什么意思zlions_pub@163.com, deadline: December 6, 2013, congala乐队tact: Zhou Jiaolong 25688576.
&nbscharity是什么意思p; Fees can be paid by cash or credit card directly to shenzhen Lions Club officenew balance or by transfer.club翻译 Please specify “ Name + Purpose ” , Account深圳市最新疫情 name: Scharity宽容的爱henzhen Lions Club, Account number: 748458620854, Bank name:lions翻译 Shenzhen Citizen Cyearlyenter Sub-branch of Domestic Bank. Contact person: Hou Zhenlian 25688550.
&nb深圳sp; &nbslions怎么读p; &nnew怎么读bsp; &charity翻译nbsp; &galaxy什么意思nbsp; &yearcon是什么牌子的nbsp; &charity的动词nbsp; galanz  charity-minded; &nbgalaxysp; Shegalanzhen Lions Club
November 5, 2013