“Passing on Love · Guarding the Sunset” and “Passing on Love? “Thanksgiving mother” community theme service month activity into Longhua New District

“Passing love, guarding sunset” and “Passing Love, Thanking Mother” community theme service month activities entered Longhua New District
On April 21, shenzhen Lions Club donated 208,000 YUAN to 20 elderly people in need and 84 single moguardingvisionthers with 2,lovealarm000 yuan as condolence money. The activities of “Passing love, protecting sunset” and “Passing Love, Thanking Mothers” were held in Longhua New District. The event was iguardingvisionnitiated by Shenzhen Lions Club and co-sponsored by Shenzhen Luohu District Civil Affairs Bureau, Nanshan District Civil Affairs Bureau, Yantialovely什么意思n District Civil Affairs Bureau, Bao ‘aguardian翻译n District Civil Affairs Bthanksgivingintheunitedstatesureau, Yantithemely主题官网an District Women’s Federation, Bao ‘an Distrthemelyict Women’s Federation, Longhua New District Social Constructimotherlandon Bureau, Organization personnel Bureau, Public Service Buremotherboardau and Shenzthanksgiving什么意思hen Chao Ren Golf Club.
At 10 a.m., a donation ceremony was held in the conference room of Social Development Bureau of Longhua New Districtcommunity英语 for the community theme service mthemes怎么读ontmotherhoodh activity of “Passing on Love • Thmotherlandanksgiving for Mothers”, and condolence money was distributed topassengers中文意思 104 single mothers ansunsetd the elderly in difficulty. Longhua new district social dong-hua wang, deputy director of constructguardian英国卫报ion bureau, shenzhen lions spassing是什么意思econd deputy chairman ShiJianYong, secretary-general Zeng Shi, chairman of thethanksgiving是几月几日 fifth partition Zhang Zhihe, chairman of the teservicenth partition generation following the macro, the Ppassenger怎么读resbypassingident’s salary amotherlands 14, and 15 partition Chen Shuhuan, community service, chairmanlove直播破解版 othanksgivingintheunitedstatesf the copassing翻译mmittee chairman Li Feng and variouslovely什么意思 service representatives, longhua new district single mother nearly 200 people to attendthanksgivingintheunitedstates the donation ceremony.
At the ceremony, the representatives of thpassenger翻译e lion friends of the organizing and co-organizing service teams respectively read out the proposacommunity怎么读音l of “Passing on love, guarding the sunset” and “Passingmotherfucker是什么意思 on Love, thanking mothers”. Representatives of the assisted elderly and single mothers also spoke at the ceremony, thpassenger翻译anking the Shenzhen Lions Club forlove直播手机版app下载 their care and sympathy, and expressing that they would overcomelove直直播app difficulties and live a strong life with the hservice翻译elp of the government and caring people from all walks of life.
On behalf of the gsunset情侣名overnment, Mr. Wang donghua expressed his gratitude to the Shenzhen Lions Club and Shenzhen Chaoren Golf Club. He thanked tthanksgiving是几月几日he Shenzhen Lions Club for its care and support for the disadvantaged over the years, and paid tribute to the scommunity复数pirit of the lions.
Mr. Shi expressed his gratitude to shenzhen Chaoren Golf Club and the service teams of Shenzhen Lions Club fthemeplazaor their donations, introduced the development of the community theme service month project, and expressed his gmotheringreetings to single mothethemelyrs and the elderly.
Shenzhen lion “love relay, watch the sunset”, “love relay, grateful mother” theme community servservice和serve的区别ice month activity since the launch on February 10, in luohu districtsunset微信名意味着什么, yantian district, nanshan district, baoan district, longhua new district, a total of 10 donation ceremony was held, service for more than 1motherboard50 ten thousand yuan, is expected next will continue to carry out the activities in the futipassenger造句an district, The total sthanksgivinginnorthamerica课文翻译ervice funds amounted to more than 2 million yuan.
By Cheng Zhaohua & NBSP; Phthemes怎么读oto/Lin Wenjie

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