Shell Service Team (raising) : Held the second preparatory meeting for team creation

Shell Service Team (raising) : Held the second preparatory meeting for team creation
On February 18, 2017, the second prepaheld是hold的什么形式ratory meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Shell Service Teservice的名词am was held at tsecond缩写he 3rd floor of Huamao Bmeeting腾讯会议uilding, OCT town, Nanshan District. More than 10 lion friends attended the meeting, including Lu Guozhi, the first deputy cacreationismpheldentain of the Phoenix Service team, Hong Hua, formermeetingyou是什么意思 captain Li Chunmei, secretary Li Bizhen and financial Li Sulian. Future lion friend, BYD charitable Foundatiosecondlyn CEO Tang Mei attended the meeting. The meeting was chairteamoed by Lu Guozhi.
Lu guozhi first introduced the project content and backgrousecond怎么读nd of the “Shell Project” and the original intention and purpose of estameeting翻译bliscreation是什么意思英语hing the shell Service team.meeting翻译 She hoped to esupheldtablish standardized and standardized services in the newly estasecond的基数词blished shell servicheldene team, and spread the health awareness of cervical cancer screening to millions of families wishell命令th high-quality and loving services. Acreation形容词t the same time, to have carrpreparatory是什么意思ied out the activities and “shell project” short, medium and lcreation可数吗ong term planning to make a brief report to everyone, determined in March to enter the community service activities time. Lu guozhi explained the follow-upsecond缩写 work of the team, including the submisheldension of the membership application form, the payment of membership dues, the color and style of the team unteamproiforms, asecond翻译nd the position and personnel information of the shell Service team.
Both phoenix Service team and shell Service Team expressed their common missionservice和serve的区别 and wish to make the shell Project a success. Li Chunmei introducshell是什么意思中文ed the details of team creation follow-up need to pay attention to. Zheng Qian also gave us detailed training on some technical issues related to the coopesecondaryration between shell Project and BGI in the early stage, laying a solid foundation for the later activities.
“Shell Project” from its birth to now less than four months,upheld condensing popuheld的原型larity, spread great love,shell是什么意思中文 in the heart of every “shell people”, “shell Project”service的名词 is pearl, I wish the “shell Project” project complete success.
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