Notice on hotel room reservation for the 100th International Convention

Notice on hotel room reservation for the 100th International Convention
Dear Lion friend,
The 100th Lionnotice是什么意思s Club Convention will be held from June 30 to July 4, 2017 in Chicago, Lions Crooms下载lub Headquarters. More than 20,000 lionsreservation形容词 from around the worhotel是什么意思英语ld will gather to celebrate the annual conveinternationalntion.
Conference rooms are very tight at the momhotel和hostel的区别ent. Lions International is acroomtively lookiconvention形容词ng for a hotel, but has yet to reply. In order to solve the problem of accommodation for domestic lion friends, thinternationalcupidrough the coordination of the committee of the annual meconventional反义词eting of the Domconvention什么意思estic Lion Association, wenotice have obtained sothme rooms through the Chicago Tourism Bureau. Combined with the distance to the conf桃花源记erence venue and dinternational labour day翻译esignated hotels, hotel stars and room rates, is provided5betweenThe hotel is for lioconvention的用法n friends to choose (seenotice的形容词 the attachment for specific information).
Hotel rates are required at the time of boonotice翻译kingIt is paid in full and cannot be cancelled, please book the hotel according to your needs. Sreservation翻译ome lion friends have alnoticeableready paireservation怎么读d the deposit of the designated hotel for the annual meeting. If you want to book the hotel in this notice directly, the previous deposit can be used to deduct同花顺 the room fee.
Hotelnotice过去式 reservatroom是什么意思英语ion Deadlrooms下载ine:17:00, February 16, Thursday. Rooms will be allocatthoughed on a first come, first s同花顺erved basis.
Contac同花顺t person for reservation: Lin Yanfen, tel: 25688195 (please contact to confirm that the room has not been resreservations是什么意思erved before you pay the room fee).
Attachment:Reservatioconventionsn List for the 100th International Chotel翻译onferenceinternationally歌曲 of Lions Association of China (notice的固定搭配click to download)
Shenrooms下载zhen Lions Club 2016-2017
Chairman of the Internationconventional读音发音al Convention Committee: Dong Shige
Executive Chairmen:reservationist Xu Gang, Zhan Wenli, Liu Kaineng, Jiang Xiezhen, Luo Dainternationaln
February 10, 2017

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