About the Mervyn Award

About the Mervyn Award
Melvin Jones was born in Tomsburg, Arizona, on January 13, 1879. As a student, He studied law at Chatook College in Quincy, Arizona. In 1899, at the age of 20, He moved to Chicago to work for an insabouturanabouttime免费观看ce company. Mervyn Jones Insurance Company was established. In 1913, Mauwen zhongshi joined a club called “enterpriseaward的用法和搭配 Circlabout怎么读e”, which was a gathering of the same traabout-facede. Later, he proposed that a number of entrepreneur club groups acrosabouts the country unite and work together to do something beneficial to soabout-faceciety.
On June 7, 1917, Mervin and representatives of twenty-seven Clubs from across The United States metaward in Chicago for The founding convention of The national organization. Mervin suggestabout是什么意思ed The Lioaboutns of Indiana, one of The Clubs, as The name for The new group. And pointed ouabout是介词吗t that the lion is a symbol of courage, strength and vitality, accepted and adopted by everyone. On October 8, 1917, the Lions held its first anabout怎么读nual meeting in Dallas, Texas. At the convention, 27 delegates from nine states elected William Woods, a surgeon from The Lions Club of Indiana, as the first President of Lions Club International, and elected Mervin Jones as executive secretary and nine other club representatives as directors. Tabout是介词吗he convention also adoptawardeded a charter and decided on the color of the club logo. Formulate goals and creeds (the creeds are not much different now than they were then).
The Lions Club has been actively involveabout后面动词什么形式d in visually impaired services since its 1925 convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, where the blind writer Helabout怎么读en Keller chabout翻译allenged the club to become “warriorabout是什么意思s of the blind against the armaward翻译ies of darkness.” In additabout怎么读ion, it helpsaward的用法和搭配 people with hearing disabilities, diabetes and young people around the world, and provides relief from major disasters around the world.
Mr Mervyn turned his insurance business into a sidelinaboutcge aftaward是什么意思英语er he launched taward的用法he Lions Club. In the same year,award怎么读 at the age of 47, he ended his babouttime免费观看usiness andawarded devoted himself to the Lions Club. In the early 1930s, when there was a great economic panic in the Uniteabouttime免费观看dabout怎么读 States, lions sponsored theabout怎么读 “Lion Busineabouttime免费观看ss Conaward的用法和搭配fidence Week” and promoted the anti-hoarding campaign at the request of U.S. President Heraward是什么意思英语bert Hoover to increase confidence in business. In 1932, President Hoover convened the nation’s business leaderaward怎么读s at the White House to study economic issues, and Mervyn was invited to attend. In 1939,award with a membership of about 117,000, CBS broadcast national coverage of Lions International, emphasizing the global significance of the club’s services.about怎么读 In 1945, in recognition of its extraordinary contribaward怎么读ution to world peace, lions was named one of 42 consultants at the United Nations Organization Committee in Saward的用法an Francisco to help develop the chapter on “Non-government Organization.” The Lions club has been providing advisory servaward怎么读ices to tawardinghe United Nations ever sinaward怎么读ce, and Mervyn was the club’saward翻译 representative in tabout是什么意思his matter and represented the club in an advisory capacity at the founding convention. In 1946, membership grew to 279,116, and the Lions club expanded to 18 countries with 5,400 lion cabout-facehapters. In the same year, the first Lions club was foaward和reward区别unded in Europe (20 years later than in China). In 1950, at the age of 71, He was honored as the secretarmervyny general of the Lions Clubaboutcg网站. In the same year, in recognitioaward怎么读n of his contribution to Lions International, Mervyn was awarded the title of Lifetime Secretary general of Lions International. By that time, lionabout是介词吗s had more than one million members and more than 45,000 clubs. On June 1, 1961, Mervyn Diawardinged at the age of 82.
Mervyn believes in the credo that youaward是什么意思英语 can only go far if yoaward翻译u start doing something for the needy in theaward是什么意思英语 world. It is such persistence and faith that he made immortal contributions to the Lions Club all his life and was deeply respected by future generations. His creed has become a guide foraward的用法和搭配 public-award怎么读spirited people around the world.
In recognition of his contribution to liaward翻译ons, Lions International named two awards in his honour in 1973: taward什么意思he Mervyn Fellowships Award andabout-face the Mervyn Fellowships Award.
Mervyn Fellow award
LCabout怎么读IF’s highest honor “about是什么意思Mervyn Chung Felabouttime免费观看low”
“(MJF)” is used to recognize an individual’s contribution iawardedn humanitariaward怎么读an service. An MJF is awarded to aaward的用法和搭配nyone who donates $1,000 to LCaward什么意思IF or raises money for cawardsharity. Mmervynembers ofabout后面动词什么形式 Mervyn Will receive a collar badge and a medal. Their names are also entered into a computer database that can be accessed by visitors to lions Internataward的用法ional headqaward的用法uartaward是什么意思英语ers.
Mowman And Chaward翻译ung Fellows Advanaward怎么读cement Award
The PMJF wilawardl recognize those who donate more tmervynhan $1,000 in additioabouttime免费观看n to the initiaaward是什么意思英语l donation of $1,000. A gold gold lapel pin with a diamond will be awarded to the mervyn Bells member who donates $1,000. The firabout怎么读语音st donation of $1,000 is followed by anoaward和reward区别ther donation of $1,000 to $60,000, which is followed by diamonds, red and sapphire, indicating different stages of membership.
Use oaboutcg网站f donations made by Members of Mervyn Chung
The donationsaward是什么意思英语 of Mervyn Members are not limited to thabout-facee purpose of providing funds for medical equipment, medical care for the poor and other humanitarianawards services, which are ofteabout是介词吗n organized for the poor; Job training can also be done for the disabled taboutcgo provide them with the opportunity to become independent; It can also be a source of funds for natural disaster reconstruction; And as a source of funaward什么意思ding to assist children with special needs and to provide a place for the elderly.
There are countless uses for the donatioabout是介词吗ns of Mervyn Membersawarded. They work tirelessly to improve the lives of the world and their communaward怎么读ities. The lives of thousands of peopleabout around the world have been imabout后面动词什么形式proved by suawardsbstantial donations frabout后面动词什么形式om Mervyn Jones membeaward翻译rs.

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