Hong Lai Service Team: The 2018-2019 inaugural Ceremony and ceremony for senior citizens was held successfully

Hong Lai Service Team: The 2018-2019 inaugural Ceremony and ceremony for senior citizens was held successfully
On Asenior怎么读uguteams手机版st 18, 2018, the inaugural ceremoceremony复数形式ny and the ceremony of the 2018-2019 annual election of shenzhen Lions Club Red Li Sceremony同义词ervice Team was held in Seav来不及说我爱你iew Katoteamo Hotel, Overseas Chinese Tceremony的音标own. More than 1红码黄码绿码代表什么90 people attended the ceremony, including Tian Xingwang, the last president of Shenzhen Lions Club inservice怎么读 2018-2019, Peng Daojian, the chief inspector, Rong Jing, the deputy secreinaugural是什么意思tary general, Tan Fei, Ru Chsenior是几年级unxu, Chen Qunhao, and Zhang Jian, Wu Yuqiceremony的名词ong洪荒关系户, Gao Ling, and He Xinrceremony是什么意思u, the district chairmen. Acticeremonyvities to sihai Sentiment university fservice是什么意思中文翻译or the elderly to donate 10,000 yusenior和junioran of condolence, service funds 10,000 yuan. The ceremony was chaired by Long Yali and presided over by Gao Quanbin and Pu Yserviceableafei.
Sun Changgang, president of Sisiqiteamng University for the Aged, expressed his gratitude to the Hong Li Service team by wservice怎么读riting “Pass the lion love, Grow up hand in hand”. Bursts ofceremony同义词 appceremony的音标lause moved people’s heartsceremony是什么意思.
Long Yali, the president of the cosenior怎么读nference, delivered a welcome speech, expressing warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the leaders, guests and lion friends who caceremony的名词me to the party. Deputy secretary General Rteams手机版ong Jing introduced the leaders and guests attending the party.
Wang Yateam什么意思nhua, the former teaservice是什么意思m leader, made a summary of the work of 2017-2018, introducing the achievements and honors of the annual meeting and service activities of tsenior是几年级he service teaminaugural address翻译, as well as key service projects such as helping students, respecting the eceremony用什么介词lderly, helping the disabled, serving the cceremony同义词ommunity and caring for people around them.
Finance Ch来自地狱的男人en Ping made the 2017-2018 annual financial report, reporting in detail the expenditure of service activities in the past year, adminissenioritytrative exceremony是什么意思penditure and sponsorship money received during the transition, etc.
Yan-红烧肉hue wang the previous captain made outstanding contributions to the 2017-2018 thsenior名词e liservice的名词on fellow, enterprise issued by love friends, distinguished friends lion award, outstanding lion award, outstanding lion prize for friends, frieservicebionds love lion ainauguraladdress课件pptwteam是什么意思翻译ard, outstanding thesenior名词 lion friends friends awinaugural addressard, outstanditeams会议ng, executive chairman of award, red action outstanding lion prize awards, such as friends and to the red li service 40 awards “lion”, Enco红烧排骨urage them to continue to spreceremony同义词ad love and promote lion culture!
Under the witness of tian Newang’s last president and赖冠霖 other leaders, Wang Yanhua handed over the captain’s riservicebiobbon and scepter to Liu Xiaoning, and both sidesteam什么意思 gave gifts to each other.
Capteambitiontain Liu Xiaoning deliveceremony是什么意思red the 2018-2019 work plan and outlook, and presented appointment certificates to the newinaugural team mesenior和juniorminaugural是什么意思bers. Then, tsenioream leader members take the oath of office洪荒关系户 and nhongew members take the pledge of membership. Captain Liu xisenior的反义词aoning said that he would lead the Red Li Service team to carry forward the lion spirit, se来都来了rve thesenior名词 society asenior是什么意思英语nd contribute to the conteams会议struction of a harmonious society.
Long Yali, chairman of the meeting to address, to visit the scene of the leaders, g莱昂纳多uests, fri红旗ends and lion said thank you, thank sponsored partteamproy lion friends and莱芜天气 enterprises, and selfless dedication to the hard work of the officeseniority翻译 staff thank constitute member and, wish red li service under the guidance of xiao-ning liu captain, “lion love, hand in hand to gceremony怎么读row”, further progress!
In the evening partyinaugural翻译, the “Swan Goose”, five-body ball gymnastics performance, guitar playing and singing, violin playing and other colorful prograceremony用什么介词ms ofteams手机版 sceremony翻译ihai Affection Senior University, let the lion frihongends and the audience dizzying, won roundsseniority翻译 of applause. Finally, the lion friends together to celebrate the lion friends birthday in August, a warmsenior翻译 and touching scene.
Thiceremony复数形式s grand event is the transmission and relay of responsibility and mission, symbolizing the inheritance of lion love, creating valu莱昂纳多e in the ordinary, striving forward on the road of lion career and never giving up. I wish all lion friends of hong Li Service team happy service under the leadership of the new leader, and go f红烧肉的做法urther and further on the road of public welfare!
By Yin Shan Tu/Hong Li Service Team

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