High-tech and Central Area service team: held the first joint meeting and New Year’s Party of 2018-2019

High-tech and Central Area service team: held the first joint meeting and New Year’s Party of 2018-2019

On January 19, 2019, the first 2018-2019 joint meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club high-tech and Central Area Service team was held in Zjia Farm, Zhongma Road, Dongguan City. Deng Yi, Deputy secretary general of The Shenzhen Lions Club, Chen Qunhao, chairman of the 9th District, Caofirst name Yan, Bi Yongtao, and Wang Bo, chateamoirman of the Environmentjointheclub是谁al Protection Committee; High-tech service teteamsam captain Wen Yanmei, the first viservice是什么故障灯ce captain Ma Huada, the second vice cafirst翻译成中文ptain Deng Xin, the thirservicebiod vice captain Li Jiawen, secretary Chefirstnfirsthand Ying, financial Wang Wenwen; Central district service team captain Ma Wei, first vice captateamoin Zhang Xuwen, second vice captain Xie Yan, secretary Wang Xiaoying and other 65 pearea的意思ocentralizeple attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Cao Yan and Bi Yongtaoarea, Chen Ying and Cao Yan.

Wen Yanmei and Zhang Xuwen respectively summed up the 9th “Red Action” and said that they would continue to carhighestry forward this activity.

Deng Xin told the sitareauation of xinguangming activity in Cengong County of Guarea怎么读izhou joheld的原型intly carried out by high-tecentralisedch and Central Area service team, and invited shiyou to participate actively.

The regular meeting carried out a fierce debfirstlyate on lion affairs, lion friends on both sides of the lion club “four out” spirit which is more importacentral的名词nt launched a fierce debate. Lion friends are eager to share and express thetechnicianir opinions.

At tteamworkhe New Year’s sodality, everyone raised their glasses with full joy and built a beautiful together. Dservicebiouring the dinner, the lion friends carriedcentralized on theservice怎么读 love transmission, eachighwayh lion friends bring a gift, draw the number will give theirservice怎么读 gift to each other. Taareasi Chi performance by the central district service team lion Friends and song and dance performance by the high-tech service teacentralizem quasi Lion friends brought the party tarea怎么读o a climax and made the wharea是什么意思英语ole party enjoyajoint造句ble.

The activity alcentral&kittyso prepared a birthday party for the lion friends whose birthdaycentralized was in that month. Each lion friend felt the happiness and joy of the birthday people. The meeting ended on a note of love and positive energy.

By Chen Ying & NBSP;   Pheldbackhoto/Liu Meijiao & NBSP; Wen Yanmei & have spent

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