Long-term Service Team: Hold the third regular meeting of 2019-2020

On September 29, 2019, the third regular meeting of 2019-2020 of Shenzhen Lions Club Long-term Service Team and welcome ceremony of Joithird怎么读英语ning shekou Lions Clmeetingtencentcomub Long-teterm翻译rm Service Team was held in Shengjterm怎么读ing Seafood Restaurant, 2nd Floor, Jingmingda Hotel, Futian District. Long-term service team captain Zheng Jianhai, last captain Huang Tithird的缩写ngyin, the second vice captain Zhen Yonserviceablegqian,team the third vice captain Guo Qianservice是什么故障灯g, secretary Ma Xiujie, financial Yan Xiuyithird的基数词ng, general affairs Zhou Jun, picket Wang Wei, care committee member Ao Fei and other 53 people attended the meeting. Lmeetingu Zhiqhold不住iang, first Vice President of Shenmeeting怎么读英语zhen Lions Clubterm翻译,meeting翻译 Xu Qiubin, Deputy secretary general, Wei Xinxin, chairman of 10th District, Chen Dongmeihold的过去形式, chairman of 1regular是什么意思英语8th District, Dong Jun, leader of Silver Lake Service Team, jiang Ling, leaderterm of Shekou Service Team attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Zhou Jun and presided over by Zhu Encourahold是什么意思gement.
Shenzhen Lions Club lecturers Zhang Shijun, Huang Jielthird怎么读ing, Tan Fei, Wei Qiaozhu and Wang Yi were invited to attend the regular meeting to provide professioteam什么意思nal tteamsraining for the lions members of thteams手机版e long-term service team. Senior lecturer, Mr Cheung Shi-jun, sharservice是什么意思ed the “Lions Club Culture” course with the lions club members, explaining in detail the founding, organizational structure, core cmeeting的音标ulture, mission and values of the Lions Club. Through the wonderful and vivid explanation by Professor Zhang shijun, lions club members had a deeperteambition understanding of the history and culture of lions Cregular的所有形式lub.
Volunteers of Shenzhen Minion Emergservice是什么意思中文翻译ency Rescue Center ctermuxonduct first aid training for liservice怎么读on friends. Uservicemannder the instruction and guidance of 12 volunteterminologyers including He Zhixithird是什么意思英语an, lion friends had a deeper understholdanding of the basic theoretical knowledge of first aimeeting的音标d, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the treatmeeting是什么意思中文翻译ment of emergency accihold的过去式和过去分词dents such as airwayterm翻译 foreign bmeeting是什么意思中文翻译ody obstruction, fmeetingsamily burns and snake bite, and also realized the impmeeting是什么意思ortance of popularizing the knowledge of first aid.
Captregularizationain Zheng jianhai briefed the recent work situation and service activities in O龙猫ctober, and proposed holding a “fun sportmeeting是什么意思s meeting for sanitation workers” on The Sanitation workers’ Day in October. At the same time, he extended a warm welcome to tthird怎么读he lion Friends of Shekou Service team to join the long Term service team. He hoped that by injetermcting new blood and gathering strength, the service team could regain new vitality, ensure thmeetingtencentcome normameetingyou是什么意思lization of membership construction and service, and jointly reholderalize the dream of public welfare. Lion friends at the scenethird音标 responded enthusiastically, saying that they would actively cooperate with the work arrangement and do their best to make contributions to the service team.
Lu Zhiqiang, the first vhold键是什么功能ice president, gave a speech, affirming the achievements made by the long Term Service Team in activities, membership development and lion service standards in the past year. At the same time, he spoke highlymeeting的音标 of zheng Jianhai’s work sintermitece hmeeting是什么意思e to龙猫ok office. He believes that whold过去式ith theregularly意思中文翻译 joint efforts of Captain Zheng jianhai and all lion friends, the long-term sethird-partyrvice team will surely achieve more imhold不住pressive rtermsesults. He expressed his hope that the merger of The Shenzhen Lions Club andserviceable shekou Club would setteampro an example for the c胧组词lub’s membership development. Hregular的所有形式e hoped that the two clubs would be reintegrated inthold不住o an excellent club.
Xu Qiubin, deputy Secretary general, gave full recognition to the efforts made by Tregularly意思中文翻译he longservice Term Service Team in the construction of membersterms, and expressed his sincere wishes to ththird怎么读e re-integration of shekou and Long Term Service Team. He hoped that everyone would staymeeting true to their orhold不住iginal aspiration, learn modestly, improve themselves and create better results.
The meeting ended in a harmonious and happy atmosphere. Thteamoe long Term service team speregular是什么意思英语cially arrangteam是什么意思翻译ed a rich dinner for the guests.
By Ma Xiujie

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