Oriental Rose Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2019-2020

On July 9, 2019, the first regular meeting of 2019-2020 of The Oriental Rose Service Team of Shservice是什么意思中文翻译enzhen Lions Club was successfully held in Guohui Hotel, People’s Builrose怎么读ding, Futian District. Wei Xinxin, charoseonlyirman oorientalf 10th District of Shenzhen Lions Club, Chen Xiaoxue, capregularlytain of Orienrose照片tal Rose Serviteamworkce Teaheld是hold的什么形式m, Wang Yanrong, Gao Lili, third viservice和serve的区别coriental有歧视东方的意思吗eoriental和east的区别 captain, Li Xianzhen, Zhao Guangming, secretary zhao Lina, treasurer Yao Meiying and other 12 people attended the meeting. Li Feng, executive deputy secretary general of Shenzhen Lions Crose新歌lub, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Li Xianzhen, Dong Jing and Chen Xiaoxue.
At the meeting, Executive Deputy Secretary General Li Feng conducted lion service trainfirst nameing for everyone. Lion friends actively participateoriental翻译 in the interaction, the scene atmosphere is very intense. Li Feng answered all kinds of questions raised by lion friends in detail,orientalmotor驱动器说明书 vividlyregularity and patiently.
Then, Captain Chen Xiaoxue introduced the guests one by one, and discussed with them the service activities from July to September of this ymeeting是什么意思中文翻译ear, tservice和serve的区别he meeting system and the implementation plan ofmeetingtencentcom the inauguration ceremony of service team changheld过去式和过去分词e.
Finally, the lions aservice的名词re very happy to celebrate their birthdays tregularizationhis month. Everyone shouted: “Thereteampro is a country, a home, love, I love the Oriteamoental Rose!”
Photoregularly by Zhao Lina

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