Splendid Service Team: hold the 2018-2019 11th Captain team meeting and regular meeting

On May 20, 2019, the 11th regular meeting and captain team meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Splendid Service Team for 2018-2019 was held in Dachan Island, Nanshan District. 20 people attended the meeting, including Xie Wenke, chold是什么意思hairman of the Peahold不住ce pmeetingsoster Committee of The Lioservice和serve的区别ns Cluholdingb of Shenzhen and former leademeeting腾讯会议r of the Splendid Service, Zhou Fuhui, execut桃花源记翻译ive chairman of the Medical and Health Committee and former leader of the splendid Servicemeetings, Sun Jinpiservicebiong, captain of the Splendid Service, and xie Tianci, second vice captain. Mr Law Chun-ping, Chairman桃花源记 of District 20, was present at the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Mr Chan Scaptainheng ansplendid翻译成中文d Mr Chow Fuk Fai. The meeting maservice和serve的区别inly focused on planning the transition activities and the New Year’s service activities and other matters discussedhold的过去形式, laying a foundation for the New Year’s work.
The team leader discussed and passed the relevmeeting翻译ant resolution of holservice和serve的区别ding “Love 100” student activities and planning the change of term plan.
At the regular meetingsplendid的名词, Captain Sun Jinping summarized and shared the service activities such as “Lion love accompany heart warm job health”, “Barrier-free Ideal city TAKL”, and called on lion friends to acservice翻译tivesplendid怎么读ly participate in various services. President Joseph Hsieh summed up th同花顺e peace poster Award ceremony and art exchange activities. The teathinm leader designate Chan Chan sheng expressed his gratitude to the lion friends for their efforts, and expressedsplendid是什么意思英语 his confidence in the work of the New Year, saying that he would leadserviceable the Splendid Service team to a new height.
President Luo Junping gave a speesplendid的名词ch ocaptain音标n the stage, affirming the solidarity andsplendid怎么读 dedication of the Licaptain翻译ons Clmeeting是什么中文意思ub and introducing the service concept of lions Club to the prosplendid什么意思spective lions club members. He hoped that more people could join the Lions Club anholdingd inhold翻译herit the lioservice怎么读n culture together.
Lion club members gave speehold的过去式和过去分词ches on stage and talked about the future. Would-b退婚后大佬她又美又飒e lion club members also took an active part in the speech and ssplendidpoke highly of the cultural heritage of Shenzhenservice是什么意思 Lions Club.
Splendid service team is a bi童话故事g family, lion friends into the harvest growth and happine桃花源记翻译ss, I hope that lion friends do not forget the original a通货膨胀下什么最保值spiteambitionration, continue to contribute to the lion family, for the charity.
By Jie Lin Liu
Photo/Cao童话故事 Hui, Liu Jielin

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