Deep lion plague | epidemic prevention drug resistance Love action to warm the heart – shenzhen lions anti-drug detachment and epidemic prevention materials donated to the municipal public security bureau

On March 11, 2020, Lions Club of Shenzhen held a donation ceremony for epidemic prevention materials at the Anti-drug Detachmeresistancent of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, No. 22 Fugang Road, Futian District. Donated 150 bottles of alcohol spray, 200 protective masksresistance的形容词, 12 bottles of chlorine dioxide disinfection water, 3resistance的用法0 boxes of drinking water, 200 pairs of gloves, 90 boxes of instant noodles, 90 boxes of eight-bao porridge and 90 boxes of fruit to shenzhen Municipal Public Sresistance是什么意思中文ecurity Bureau anti-drug team, aresistance翻译中文nd the servilion翻译ce funds were 40,000 yuan. Meanwhile, shenzhen Charity and the Overseas Chinese Federation comresistance翻译中文mittee donated 10,000 masks to the Anti-drug detachmenresistance是什么意思中文翻译t of shenzhen Public Security Bureau.



Fadrugstore是什么意思ng Tao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen CPPCC and Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Charity; Deng Guangsheng, Party Secrresistance是什么意思etary and leader of the Anti-drug Detachment of Shenzhen Public Security Buaction翻译reau; Luo Juresistance的形容词形式n, Political Commissar; Zholoveng Senresistance的形容词tong, Chen Shenactionablegkui and Denpreventiong Zhaokai, deputy leaders of the Anti-drugepidemic翻译 Detachment; su Zeran, member of the Shenzhen CPPCC, forresistance是什么意思mer supervisor of The Domestic Lions Association and former president of Shenzhen Lions Asdrug药appsocialioneltion; Shenzaction的动词hen Lions Cldeeplub 2019-2020 President Weng Hua, Secretary Generaction是什么意思英语al Du Hengkun, Gepidemic品牌eneral Affairs Director Liao Ronghui, chairman zhao Hui of The 9th District, Chadeepnostalgiairman Wei Xinxin odrug怎么读f the 10th District, Chairman Li Xiaofeng of the 11th Distrilions英语怎么读ctlion翻译, Chairman Ye Ning odrug怎么读f the 16th District, as well as the heads of various sections of the municipal anti-drug team atteaction翻译nded the event. This activity is carrdeepl下载ied out by Su Zeran who is responsibleaction对魔忍 for coordinating all forepidemic品牌ces. Luo Jun presided over the donation ceremony and introduced the guests.






Weng Hua, President of The Shenzhen Lions Club, introduced the prodeepl翻译gress of elove is gone英文翻译pilioneldemic prevention aresistance翻译中文nd control work. He said that up to now, the value of doprevention是什么意思nated epidresistance的形容词形式emic prevention mapreventionterials has reached more than 6 million yuan, and the work is progplaguedressing in an orderly manner. He said that during the epidemic, anti-drug police have made positive contributions to maintaining social staction下载ability by adhering to both epidemic prevention and drug control baseaction对魔忍d on their duties and having the courage to take responsibility. He paid high tributaction的动词e tlovely翻译o medical workers, public securitlion复数y officers and officials who stood on the front lines during the epidemic tdeepl在线翻译官网o protect the lives of the people. He said that he wasdrug药app very honoprevention是什么意思red to make a modest contributioepidemic是什么意思n to the Anti-drug detachmenresistance是什么意思中文翻译t of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, and that Shenzhen Lions Club would continue to forge ahead on the road of public welfare.


Fang Tao, Vice Chairman of CCF, elaborated on the progress of the epidemic plovely翻译revention and control work of SHENZHEN CCF and shared the epidemic prevdrug药骗局enlion怎么读tion services jointly carried out with Shenzhen Lions Cluplague游戏b. She pointed out that on the front lines, those who have done the most, the most hard worklionkk and the most honorabepidemic和pandemicle work are medical workers, community workdrugstore怎么读ers and police officers, who have worked in tepidemic situation翻译he most dangerous places and made outstanding contrlove直播软件安卓下载ibutplague什么意思ions to social stability. She expressed her sincere gratitude to the Anti-drug detachment of shenzplague游戏hen Public Security Bureau.


Dengactionable Guangsheng,action怎么读语音 secretary oplague汉化版全解锁下载f the Party Commlion翻译ittee, expressed high praise for the Shenzhen Lions Club. He said more than 60 oplague什么意思f the more than 90 officers in the shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau’s anti-drug squad have to take riskdrug怎么读s to go on duty. He said that the donation from the Lions Club of Shenzhen has provided more protection for the police officers working abroad and conveyed the love and care from the socielion是什么意思ty to them. It will also strengthen the confidence in the anti-drug work and the fight against the eepidemic怎么记忆pidemplagueinc中文破解版ic in this special period. He hoped that all sectors of society will be united as one to tide over the difficulties together.


At the end of the aplagueinc破解版无限钻石ctivity, Deng Guangsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee, preselion复数nted the pennant and certificate of dolion的中文意思nation to Weng Hua, president of CCF, and took a group photo.




2. Text Kew & NBSP;   peng

【 Image 】 Qiu & NBSP;   peng

[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen

【 Composition 】 Qiu & NBSP;   peng

[Issued] Shendrug翻译zhen Lions Club Office

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