The Party Building leads the Innovative development of Social organizations — The Party Committee of Social Organizations of Shenzhen investigated the party building work of Shenzhen Lions Club

On July 31, guo Jian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Social Organizations of Shenzhen municipality, conducted an investigation on tdevelopments翻译hecommittee和commission party building work of Shenzhendevelopments翻译 Lions Club.committee和council The investigation msocial mediaeeting was held in the conference room of Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation. Li Lun, member of the Leading Party Group and Deputy Director of Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation; Lorganizationsi Weihua, representative of The Domestic L深圳天气ions Association in Shenzhen and first Secretary of the Party Branch of Shenzhen Lions Club; Tian Wangxing, Secretary of the Party branch of Shenzhen Lions Club and former president of Shenzhen Lions Club; Huang Fake, Director of thcommittee和commission区别e Office of Shenzhen Discommittee和councilabled Persons’ Federation; Huang Te, Deputy Director; Chen Aping, Ten people attended the meeting chairedevelopment同义词替换d by Li Lun, secretary General of Lions Club shenzhen 2020-2021.


Secretary Tian Xingwang introduced thedevelopment是什么意思 basic information of Lions Club shenzhen and Lions Club Internaleads怎么读tional from the aspects of its founding background, development history and excellent service projects. Founded in 2002, shbuilding的缩写enzhen Lileadscrewons Club currently has more than 3,800 members from all walks of life, carryorganization是什么意思英语ing out outstanding service projecommittee和commission区别cts such as Bright Action, Reinnovative怎么读d Action, Red Lionparty英文意思 Clothing and Disabled Stabuilding翻译tion. Founded in 1917, Lions Clubs International has mbuildingore than 46,000 clubs in 210 countries and regions around the world, providing a variety of services under the slogan “We serve”leadscrew.

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Li Weihorganization是什么意思英语ua, first Secretary of the Party branch of Scommittee是单数还是复数henzhen Lions Club, ibuilding翻译ntroduced the construction of the party branch, mainly from the basic situation of the party branch, the main work and achievements, the main work experience, the main prsocial什么意思oblems and the next work plan five aspects to repbuildings怎么读ort. In 2020, the Party branch of Lions Club shenzhen held six branch committee meetings, four gsocializeencommittee是什么意思eral party meetings, one volunteer activity for party members, one themed Party Day activity, and four heart-to – heart talks. He said that in the future, the party branch will further improve the political position, strengthen thparty是什么意思e authority of party construction, adhere to the managemorganization是什么意思ent of all members, strengthen the edusocial名词cation and guidance of party members and strict commendation and evaluation, to ensure and promote the headevelopment翻译lthy, orderly and long-term development of Shenzhen Lions Club.

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The participants also hinnovative怎么读英语ad an in-dsocial什么意思epth exchange with Secrebuilding是什么意思tary Guo on the key and difficult issues in the party building work of the Party brainnovative怎么读nch of Shenzcommittee怎么读henparty怎么读英语 Lions Club.

Secretary Guo Jian is very grateful to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attebuilding的复数nd this meeting. He said that he was deeply inspired by this meeting. He fully affi深圳市最新疫情rmed thebuilding的复数 achievements made by shcommittee翻译enzhen Lions Club in the past work and commented that shenzhen Lions Club has a lot to do in promoting party constructiosocial名词n. He believes that the party building work of social organizatioleads什么意思ns can refer to the management model of Shenzhen Lions Club to further innovate the working ideas and promote the pinnovative的名词arty building work to a new leveparty英文意思l. He hoorganization是什么意思ped that the Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation and torganizations翻译he Shenzhen Lions Club could jointly support the work of the Party Committee of Shenzhen Social organizations and promote the healthy and orderly development of sodevelopment怎么读英语cial organizations.

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Li Lun, vice chairman of the board of Directors, made a concluding speebuilding怎么读语音播放ch, thanking Gdevelopmentuo Jian, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Social Organizations of Shenzhen, an深圳疫情最新消息d his delegation for their visit, providing professional guidance to the party building work of Shenzhen Lions Club, and injecting new vitality into the party building work of Shenzhen深圳疫情最新动态 Lions Club. Hparty的中文e said, the city disabled persons’ Flead是什么意思eddevelopment是什么意思erbuilding是什么意思ation party group will fparty是我家下载mp3urbuilding翻译ther improve深圳市最新疫情 the quality of the party building work of The Shenzhen Lions Club, enhance the cohesion of the Paparty复数rty organization, combat effectiveness, the party building work and th深圳e development of shenzhen Lions Club deeply integrated, wi深圳疫情最新消息th the party building to lead the lion work smoothly.


social翻译 Text 】 Huang Xinleads怎么读ran

[Photo] Huang Xinran

[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen

[Typesetting] Du Ssocialhaoheng

Shenzhen Lions Club


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