Main Meeting Service team: Hold the second regular meeting of 2021-2022

On August 4, 2021, the second regular meeting of the Service Team of the Main Club of Lions Club of Shenzhen was held in Wanjia Clservice怎么读ub of Nanshan District. Long tian wang, a former President of sheregularitynzhen lion supervisors ShiJianYong, secretary general of the board of supervisors, zhi-hui zhou, Lord will service captain Li Qing ChangSunJmeeting是什么意思中文翻译ingHai, the previousservice翻译 captain Zheng Xianke, first deputy team vice captain Zhu Xuan, second deputy captain YuBingDong, third, former captain Zheng Xingwu, Liu Lebin, yellow front, secretregularlyary He Fei, financial qing-qing zhu, general Zou Junyuan 25 people attend the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Sun Jinghai and presided over by Quan Fang.
At the beginning oteambitionf the meeting, Captain Li Qing delivehold过去式red a spmaintain翻译eech and extended a warm welcome to everyone. Zheng Xiankeregular反义词, the former team leader, summarized and shared the experience oregular的所有形式f changing the service team, and mobilized everyone to acthold的过去形式ively discuss and participate. Zhu Qingqing, the fiservicenancial officer, made a detailed report on the use and balance of the funds of the last service team.
At the first regular meeting, the lion friends oteamworkf the service team of the main association had aregular是什么意思英语greed to change the servicmeeting的音标e team on September 8, and rsecond的基数词eported to the District Committee in advmaintenanceance on epidemic prevention and control measures in accordance with the requservicebioiremenmainlyts of Shenzhen city and the guiding spirit of Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation on epidemic control. This regular meeting checked and sorted out the transition process again to further confirm the specific work of each link on the day of the transition. Captain Li Qholdering confirmeeting怎么读英语med the division of labor and introducedmeetingyou是什么意思 the organizational structure of Shenzhen Lions Club and the responsibilities of the captain team members to the participants. Lion frimeeting翻译ends actively contribute suggesteam是什么意思翻译tions and suggestions, and take the initiative to undertake the work related tserviceableo the leadership change activities. Finally, Captain Li Qing sent flowers and gifts to the lion friends for their hard work, and the regular meeting ended isecond的基数词n laughter.
By Hoffe

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