Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection

Service teams:

In order to practice the core values of socialism, promote the spirit of caring and establish advanced models, Now thelove is gone英文翻译 19th Shenzhtypically怎么读en Caraboutcg网站e Action “Top ten Caring Figures”, “Top Tencareer翻译 Caring Enterprises”, “Annual Promoter深圳大学s”, “Annual Caring Events”, “Top Ten Creatnotice用法ive Projects” and “Top 100 Citizen Satisfaction Projects” are launched. Shenabout翻译zhen Lions Club plans to parcaregiverticipate in the rattend的用法与搭配ecommendation work of the 19th Shenzhenattendance的动词 Care Action f深证指数or projects and awards, and hnotice的固定搭配ereby informs as follows:

I. Recommendation categories

(1) Top ten love figures

  1notice作文. Have bnotice用法een enthusiastic about ptypical造句ublic welfare undertakings for a long time, and have made outstanding contributions in dthinisaster relief, helping童话故事 the elderly, caring for the younactionscriptg, helping tlove直播手机版app下载he disabled, helping orphans, helping the poor, helping students, helping doctors, and environmental protection;

2. Those who have made outstanding achievements in epidemic prevention and rescue and disaster relief;

3. Other touching deeds of devotion to love, and exemplary athnd leading role in promoting the spiriaction怎么读语音t of caring anattend翻译d promoting the development of caring cause.

(ii) Top ten Caring enterprises

Abide by laws and regulations and national policies,typically的中文意思 constantly improve the produccareful是什么意思tion and living conditattend是什么意思ions of emplactionableoyees, pay attention to the life of employees, improve the welfare of employees, protect the rights and interests of employees, timely solve problems for employees, harmonious labor relations; Pay attention to humanisnoticeabletic care, establish a good corporataction怎么读语音e culture, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of enotice过去式mployees; Enterprises that actively participate in social welfare undertakings, help the weak and poor, and perform social responsibilities with remarkable achievemattendantsents.

(3) Annual promoters

Since 2021 in carintypical造句g action or桃花源记ganizatattend是什么意思ion, idea spread, incubation, resource intenotice作文gration, effec通货膨胀下什么最保值t and so on have outstanding performance, or innovative solutions to social problems, or to improcare是什么意思ve the system of public service platform and related construction, significantly promonotice作文te deep caring curriculum action and the city’s development of in深圳市最新疫情dividual, team or agency of publictypical的名词 undertakings.

(4) Annual car深圳疫情e event

Since 2021, events with high public深圳市最新疫情 participation or great influence are typical and influential in improving people’s livelihood, promoting social innovation, improving public services, promoting the concept of care, etc., and have demonstration effect or promoting role in deepening the const深圳疫情最新动态ruction of shenzhen “City of Care”.

(v) Top ten creative projects

The深圳市最新疫情 projects held or laattend翻译unched since 2021 are rich in c陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿ontent, in line with the purpose and theme of Shenzhen Care anoticeablection. Compared with previous care projects, the content and form of the projects reflect innovation and creativity, and form a good demonstration and leading role.

(6) 100 Best Citizen Satisfaction Projectlove直播破解版

The projects held or launched since 2021 are rich in content, in line with the purpose and theme of Shenzhen Care Anotice过去式ction, with good ovaction对魔忍erall efaction是什么意思英语fect, strongaction翻译 mass interaaboutcg网站ction, high citizen participation and satisfa深圳疫情最新消息ction, and good social rattend名词esponse.

Two, recommendation requirements

(1) Application materials should not only have vivid and touching stori桃花源记翻译es, but also be based on accurate data. No falsification,about是什么意思 ambiguitthyaction对魔忍 or exaggeration should be ensurtypical的用法和搭配ed, and the theme should be prominent, the story should be true, the description shonotice作文uld be clear, the data should be accurate and the format should be standard;

(2) The main deeds of all kinds of charity models and projects declared by each service team s深圳市最新疫情hould be mainly in the recent one to two years;

(3)about怎么读语音 Those who have been elected as “Top ten Caring Figures” (” Most Caring Figures “) will not participate in the selection of “Top Ten Caraction对魔忍ing Figures” this year;

(4) Please fill in the recommendation form according to the selection requirements, and mail the original p深圳天气aper versilove直播软件安卓下载on to shenzhen Lions Club office before 2pm on December 7, 2021 (Tuesday), and send the electronic version to

Shenzhen Lions Club will hold a standing board meeting to select all kinds of awards according to the application situation, and report to the municipalcarefree Love and Care Office.

Contact persthoughon: Yang Xin 25688590

Mailing addattend名词ress: 13 / F, Building D, Huaqing Garden, Luosha深圳疫情 Jtypicallyinger Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen   &love直播手机版app下载nbsp;


Notice is hereby given.



Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection news picture1Zhang1. The 19th top ten Caring People recommendation table.doc

Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection news picture1Zhang2. The 19th top ten Caring Enter深圳天气prises recommendation table.doc

Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection news picture1Zhang3. The 19notice作文th Annual Care Event Recommendation Form.doc

Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection news picture1Zhang4.typically的中文意思 The 19th Annual Promoter Recommendatiotypical怎么读n Form.doc

Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection news picture1Zhang5. The recommendation form of the 19th Top Ten Creative Projects. Doc

Notice | care about to attend the 19th shenzhen typical action love, excellent project selection news picture1Zhang6. Recommendation Form of the 19th 100 Best Public Sattend的用法与搭配atisfactitypical的用法和搭配on Pabout-facerojects陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿.doc


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