Why is thermal transfer lanyard so popular?

Why is thermal transfer lanyard so popular?
Thermal transfer printing rope is in the design of the pattern, the produpopularizationction of copper plate, and then through the electric engraving machinery to divide the color of the pattern carved搜狗翻译 on the copper plate. Then takthermallye the copptransferableerplate to the printing machine and prtransfer是什么意思中文翻译int the pattern on the PET film, and then transfer the pattern to the prtransferringoduct through the thermal transfer lanyard machine.
Usually heat transfer printing lanyard lanyard – is a textile accessories class, the general productithermal设备代理on of lanyard mapopular反义词terialsthermalexpansion havelanyard海词 nylon, PP, polyester, high elastic cotton. Heat transfer lath lath widtransferringth is 50px wide, some like a little bit smaller will use 37.5px w往后余生ide size. Ththermal设备代理e usual girth is 2250px long (11popular的用法及短语25px when folded in half). The therm宋亚轩al transfer lanyard pattern can be printed full edge, that is, the width of the ther我很有钱呀mal transfer lanyard pattern can bepopularity the same as the width of the rtransferibbon.
Tthermaltakehe content of heat transfer printi文和友ng lanyard can be the brand, slogan, slogan of the product, or the name of sports events, concerts, commercial activities, parties and othermaltake是什么牌子ther logos. Nylon, cotton, bamboo and other fibers can not withstand high temperature, need to go through special and high cotransfer用法st processing to heat transfer printing lanyard.
In order to facilitate the customization of their owpopular什么意思中文n LOGO personalized lappet small ba王海燕tch customization,why是什么意思 more suitable宋亚轩 fotransfer和transform的区别r the requirements of small and medium-sized武汉疫情最新情况 enterprises, in the process of customization lappet, generally selected several standard parameters as a benchmark, and color, LOGE and other paralanyard 是什么意思mete往后余生歌词rs to be customized according to thewhy是什么意思 law will be selected to make it easier tolanyards什么意思 change, reduce the cost of enterprises.
Silk screen hanging rope is a traditional and common way of expression in the proc搜狗识图ess of making ribbonthermalright LOGO. Silk screen LOGO is printing ink onsoul the surface ofthermal是什么意思中文 the ribbon through the screen. The printed LOGO has obviouswhy是啥意思 texture, strong three-dimensional senssoe, high definitipopular怎么读on and goodtransfer和transform的区别 adhe搜狗翻译sion. Silk screen printing is characterized by ink tightly adsorbed on the surface of the ribbon, will not penetrate into the ribbon. Screen printing can not only be monochrome printlanyard 翻译ing, but also can be multi-color colorthermaltake or dot gradient printing.

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