What is heat transfer lanyard

Thermal transfer printing rope is in the design of the pattern, the production of copper plaheatstrokete, and thenlanyard photo翻译 through the electric engtransfer是什么意思中文翻译raving machinery to divide the color of the pattern carved on the copper plate.transferred Then take the clanyardopperplate to the printing mtransfer是什么意思achine and print the pattern on the PET film, and then transfer the pattern to the product through the thermal transfer lanyard machine.
Heat tralanyardhole是什么意思nsfer printing lath lath width is 2.0cm wide, and some like a little bitwhatsapp安卓下载安装 smaller will use 1.5cm wide size. The girth of a common webbing is 90cm long (the webbing is 45cm long when folded in half). The thermal transfer lanyard pattetransfermarktrn can be printed full edge, that is, the width of the thermal transfer lanyard pattern can be the same as the width of the ribtransferringbon.
Usually heat transfer printing latransfermarktshings – textile auxiliary materials (other names: mheatsinkobile phone rheaterope, lashingslanyardhole是什么意思, lashings) general production lashings of nylon, PP, polyester, high elastic cotton, general specifications are 4lanyardhole是什么意思mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm.
The content oheatstrokef heatlanyard photo翻译 transfer printing lanyard ctransfer是什么意思中文翻译an be the brand,transferable slogan, slogan of the product, or the name of sports eventransfer翻译ts, concerts, commercial activities,lanyards什么意思 parties and other logos. Nylon, cotton, bamboo and other fibers can not withstaheat空调上是什么意思nd high temperatlanyardure, newhatsapp下载ed to gtransfer用法o through specialanyard 翻译l and high cost processing to heat transfer printransferableting lanyard.
In order to facilitate the customization of their own LOGO personaliztransferreded lappet small batc蓝牙rdah customization, more suitable for the requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises, in the process of customization lappet, generally selected several standard parameters as a benchmark, and color, LOGE and othewhatr parameters to belanyard 是什么意思 customized acheatedcording to the law will be selected to make it easier to change, reduce the cost of enterprises.

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