Certificate hanging rope to choose which

The silk screen printing material looks more upscale, but the color can only be printed in 2-3 colors, while the hot printing color can be printed in a variety of colors, which is morhanging是什么意思e bchoose的过去式eautiful visually, so it depends on the customer’s own aesthetic direction, our products ahanging是什么意思中文re mainlyhanging是什么意思 customized according to the customer’s instructions, please sechoose的形容词nd the photohanging是什么意思中文s of the products you want to order. If there is no original drawing, you can ficertificate翻译nd the reference drawing you want on our website and serope翻译nd it to us. Also indicate the order quantity, product size, material, printing color quanchoose是什么意思tity, spare parhanging outts requirement, time requirement, or any special requirement you have, etc.
Therefore, the general gueshanging怎么读ts thanging是什么意思英语o ask what kind of lanyard is good, I will ask who is wearing, give him the corresponding advice. Also some customhangingsers require theropeway same batch of goods, do two colors, men and women separate. If the quantity is large, this is also a good way to divrope的音标ide.

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