What is reflective lanyard

Reflective lanyard is also known as luminous lanyard. Others are called light suspenders. In a word, the reflective lanyard with unusually dreflective什么意思中文azzling light can attract people’s attention, suitable for wearing documents,reflective participating in exhiblanyard loopitionlanyard loops, outdoor activities, advertising and safe蓝牙rdcty warnings, and environmental protection and non-toxic. Suitalanyards什么意思ble for people of all ages, especially teenagers love! So it has recentlywhat怎么读 become a good choice for the promotion of rope manufacturers
Reflective lanyard is reflective breflective ofecause it is made in which reflective materials arelanyard loop added, usually we say reflectivreflective翻译e materials mainly include: reflectivewhatsapp flanyard loopilm, reflective ink, refreflective怎么读lective line paint, reflective cloth, reflective leather, rwhat怎么读eflective ribbon, reflective safetlanyard pull handley silk fabrics. Reflective materiwhatsapp安卓下载安装als can reflreflectiveect light, mainly because most of the reflective materials contain a high refractive index glass beads. Just because of its exwhat什么意思istence, the incident li蓝牙rdcght is reflereflectivelycted back to the lreflective意思ight source accordreflective翻译ing to the original path, forming a regression reflectiolanyards什么意思nlanyards什么意思 phenomenon. Because it reflects almowhat是什么意思翻译st all the light back at a very narrow Angle, it is much brighter than ordinary objects.
Reflective material is mainreflectivedesire不见了ly used in the production of all kwhat是什么意思翻译inds oflanyard 是什么意思 reflelanyardhole是什么意思ctive signs signs, vehicle plate, safety facilities, etc., during the day, with its vivid colors have obvious warning role, at night or under the condition of insufficient light, its bright reflective effect can effectively enhance the person’s ability to recognize, reflective hang rope’slanyard pull handle brireflectivedesire不见了ghtness level can be divided intreflective翻译o:reflectively Bright, bright, bright three,lanyard 是什么意思 so what kinds of refleclanyard looptive lanyard production process?
Two, there arreflective ofe mainly severreflective翻译al kindsreflective of reflective lanyard technology:
Article 1. The ribbon stick reflectivwhat怎么读e, can stick a one-sided or twwhatsapp安卓下载安装o-sided reflective articlanyard 是什么意思le, article generally reflanyard pull handlelective width does not exceed the ribbon width itself, such as 2 cm ribbon in the middle can stick 0.8 cm / 1.0 cm / 1.5 cm / 1.6 cm / 1.what8 cm reflective patches and so on, also can stick ribbon 0.2 cm to each side of reflective article, all accordireflective什么意思中文ng to customer’s rreflective意思equirement to stick.
2. The reflective strip is woven inreflective意思 the ribbon, which means that the reflective strip and the yarn arewhatsapp woven together on the machine.
3. The ribbon itself is luminous, and it is made of polyester luminous silk ribbon, which is less done.
4. Logo printing luminous, refers to the adlanyardhole是什么意思dition of noctilucent powder in the printing ink, after printing the logo luminous effect, this cost is too high, but also relatively less done.
Generally speaking, the main use of reflectwhatifive rope technology is the first, the second, the latter two arewhatif漫威在线观看 rarely used.

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