What is reflective lanyard

Reflective lanyard is also known as luminous lanyard. Others are called light suspenders. In a word, the reflecreflective翻译tive lanyard with unusuallywhatsapp安卓下载安装 dazzling light can attract people’s attention, sui蓝牙rdatable for wearing documents, pawhatsapp安卓下载安装rticipating in exhibitions, outdoor activities, advertising and safetylanyard loop warnings,lanyard and environmental preflective翻译rotectionreflective and non-toxic. Suitable for people of all ages, especially teenagers lovereflective of! So it has recently become a good choice for the promotion of roreflective怎么读pe manufacturers
Reflective lanyard is reflective because it is made in which reflective materials are added, usually we say reflective materials mainly include: reflective fiwhatiflm, reflective ink, reflective linelanyard 翻译 paint, reflectivelanyard海词 cloth, reflectivewhat leather, reflective ribbon, reflective safety silk fabrics. Reflective materials can reflect light, mainly because most of the reflective蓝牙rdc materials contalanyards什么意思in a high refractive index glass beads. Just because of its existence, the incident light is reflected back to the lig蓝牙rdcht source according to the original path, forming a regression reflection phenomenon. Because it reflects almost all the light back at a very narrow Angle, it is m蓝牙rdcuch brighter than ordinary objects.
Reflective mareflectivedesire不见了terial is mainly used in the production of all kinds of reflectireflective是什么意思英语ve signs signs, vewhat什么意思hicle plate, safety facilities, etc., during the day, with its vivid colors have obvious warning role, at night or under the condition of insufficient light, its bri蓝牙rdaght reflective effect can effectively enhance the preflective意思erson’s ability to recreflective是什么意思英语ognize, reflective hang rope’s brightness lev蓝牙rdcel can be divided into: Bright, brighreflective意思t, bright three, so what kinds of reflective lanyard productioreflectivelyn procreflective翻译ess?
Two, there are mainly several kinds of reflective lanyard technology:
Article 1. The ribbon stick reflective, can stick a one-sided owhateverr two-whatsappsided reflective articreflective意思le, article generally reflectireflectivedesire不见了ve width does not exceed the ribbon width itself, such as 2 cm ribbon in the middllanyard海词e can stick 0.lanyard loop8 cm / 1.0 cm / 1.5 cm / 1.6 cm / 1.8 cm rlanyardhole是什么意思eflelanyard pull handlective patches and so on, also can stick ribbon 0.2 cm to each side of reflective article, all according to customer’s requirement to stick.
2. The reflective strip is woven in the ribbon, which means that the reflective strip and the yarn arewhatif漫威在线观看 woven together on the mwhatsapp安卓下载安装achine.
3. The ribbon itself is lulanyardminous, and it is made of polyeswhat什么意思ter luminous silk ribbon, which is less done.
4. Logo printing luminous, refers toreflective surface the addition of noctilucent powder in thwhatsapp下载e printing ink, after printing thwhatsapp下载e logo luminous eflanyardfect, this cost isreflective意思 treflectivelyoo high, but also relativlanyardely less done.
Generally splanyard海词eaklanyard photo翻译ing, the main use of reflective rope technology is the first, t蓝牙rdahe second, the latter two arreflective是什么意思英语ereflectively rarely used.

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