What are the advantages of cotton mobile phone lanyard? What are the properties

Mobile phone hang rope can use various material processing customized, some materials of patience is better, and some of the materials of mobile phone hang rope easily damaged, so it’s very important to choose the right materials, good material made mobile phone hang ropeadvantages翻译 is more durableadvantages翻译, more stronmobilephonesystemg, the next imkgift mobile phone hang rope manufacturer to intrproperties方法oduce us to hang cotton rope defects, Let us know more abadvantagesout the characteristics of cotton lanyard.
One: defectmobile吉祥cns of cotton mobiladvantages什么意思中文e phone lanyard
Simple wproperties配置文件rinkle, easyproperties怎么创建 to shrink, easy to deformation, easy to stick. It can be seen that the mobile phone lanyard shrinkage factors, so we try to choose less pure cotton material to make mobile phone lanyard.
Two: the characteristics of cotton phone lanyard
First of all, the yarn used in the rope of pure cotton is not the same thicknesswhatsapp安卓下载安装, shrinkage is not the same. The shrinkage of thick yarphone是什么意思n count is large, and the shrinkage of fine yarn count is small. Next is the material of pure cotton goods itself, general pure cotton yarn, hygroscopic than polyester yarn, nylon yarn much larger.
Lanyard manufwhatacturers are generally discriminated aphone怎么读ccordiwhatsapp安卓下载安装ng to the demobilensity of the fabric, the density of cotton ribbon products is not the same, shrinkage is not the same. If the latitudinal density is close, the latitudinal shrinkage rate is also close.
Then the fabcotton100%是什么意思ric of high densityproperties线程安全吗, longitude to shrink is also larlanyard loopge, afwhatifter all, the prodcottonuction process of mobile phone rope is not the same, shphonetic是什么意思rinkage rate is not the sameadvantage是可数还是不可数. Generally speaking, lanyard and lanyadvantages什么意思中文ard products in the weaving and dyeing process, the fiber should be stretched repeatadvantages怎么读edly, repeated operation will also change the shrinkage rate of the lanyard and lanyard products.
Three: mobile phcottonyone lanyard should chooseproperties集合 what material
Imkgift mobile phone lanyard manufactcottonyurers advocate that our best choice is made of polyester and cotton ribbon mobile phone lanyard, cotton has the admobilelinkvantages of polyester and cotton, and the advantages of polyester and cottophone怎么读语音n, cotton ribbon is nphoneot, so, it can be seen that its differ蓝牙rdcent.
After more than pure cotton defect is introduced and the characteristics of mobile phone hang rope, believe that we are now about cottcotton怎么读onproperties配置文件 rope have aproperties集合 deeper understanding, material also is to have good and bad, there are appropriate for inappropriate, so has a mobile phone hang roplanyard 是什么意思e custom procelanyard pull handlessing such as order, try to inform you customer each kind of material made tlanyard pull handlehe difference, let the customer to cadvantages怎么读音发音英语hoose suitable materialsadvantage什么意思 for processing customized, There will be no problem with manufacturing to follow the customer’s requirements.

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