What is the general material of the metal buckle on the label?

Many manufacturers have a metal buckle above the brand lanyard customized for employees. Such a lanyard will be more convenient anbuckle翻译d safe to use. So what is the best material for this metal buckle?

Generalwhatever hanging rope on the metal buckle is stainlesswhatsapp steel, in a long time of use, it will inevitably touch the water, stainlegeneral-circulationss steel metal buckle is not emetalingualasy to rust, so many enterprislabel标签eswhat什么意思 will chwhatsappoose this material tmaterialpodso customize the brand rope.

, of course, someone is using a plastic buckles, hlabeledere is not recombucklesmended, because the mouth hanging rope is hung line bearing the strongest partmaterialistics, plwhatsapp下载astic is cheap, but it is easy to break, causing the losslabeled of the label, and tmaterialhere will be no manufacturer will help you to go alone to makmetallurgicale a plastic clawhat怎么读sp, so a bad plastic buckles, basically the whole brand hang rope is wasted, It’s not cheageneral什么意思中文p in the long run

Imkgift lanyard is a professional manufacturer of brand lanyard, can also agenerally翻译ccept to plagenerallyn to sample customized oh.

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