How are nylon lanyards dyed?

Everyone should know about lanyard, nylon lanyard is widely used in our daily life, so do you know how it is dyed? This article will introduce it to you
Nylondye的意思 lanyard dyeing is more special in the lanyard industry, mainly because the material of nylon is smooth, and the ordinary dyeing method is easier to fall off
Thdye的意思e basic process of nylon rope dyeing is as follows: belt entering – color tank – hot steamnylonfeetvideos steaming – after washing – high temperature bakhowdying – after washing (reduction cleaning)- after drying – belt falling.
Here’s what somenylon是什么面料 of the special processes do:
The function of steam: make acid dye molecules fullnylon中文翻译y react with the corresponding functional groups in the fiber to complete the process of dyeing the fiber with acid dye.
The function of water wnylon中文翻译ashing: the removal of dye molecules without complete readyed软件ction, to ensure the color fastness of the product.
Function of high temperature baking: make the dye molecules fully into the fiber, complete the process of dye dyeing fiber.
Reduction cleaning efdye的过去式fect: make the remaining dyehowever molecules dhow怎么读ecomposition, to ensure the color fahowdystness of the product.
The whohowdyle process should be vernylon尼龙杂志y tightdyed软件. If the dyeing ihowevers not good, it is likely to lehoweverad to the scrap of the whole batch of lashings, which is a great loss to the mandyedappufacturer and will also cause a certain degree of pollution. Therefore, in general, the proddyed翻译ucdyed翻译tion processhowever什么意思 of lashings is very rignylon是什么轮胎orous

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