What specifications does the general lanyard have?

Answer: although the lanyard in our view is a very simple product, but the use of the effect we can se蓝牙rdce, so we all know that in the lanyargeneralistd wholesale where can often see many different specifications of the lanyard, the general specifications of the lanyard have what? Aspecifications怎么读fter xiaobian to go to professional factories to learn that the specifications of the rope generally have a width of 4mmwhat是什么意思翻译, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm,specification是什么牌子 20mm, 25mm, etc., like this width is different specifgeneralisticatiwhatif漫威在线观看ons, the neegeneralbutchd to invest in the production cost is different, the price will be diflanyard pull handleferent. There wwhatsapp安卓下载安装ill certainly be differences in the effects of use.

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