Classification and application of heat transfer printing lanyard

Mobile phone lanyard now application of the scene is very common, not only is usually used in life, and even a lot of places and a popul蓝牙rdaar trend, then you know how to make the lanyard? This article will take you to know about one of the lanyard production technology thermal transfer technoheatstrokelogy

Thermal transfer printinprinting是什么意思中文g lanheatedyon refers to the deheathenssign of the pattern, the production of copper plate, and then through the electric engraving machinery to divide the cheatolor of the pattern carved on the copper plate. Then take the copperplate to the printing machine and print the pattern on the PET film, and then transfer the patheathenstern to the product through thapplicationframehost是什么e thermal transfer lanyard machine.

Thermal transfer printing lanyard technology has been used in the production of fabric thermal tclassification是什么意思ransfer printing very early. With the rapid developmprinting翻译ent of htransfer是什么意思中文翻译igh technoprinting翻译logy, thermal transfer printing lanyard teprinting是什么意思中文chnology has been more and mprinting怎么读ore widely used. Ink types are divided into hot pressure tranclassificationsfer type andclassification翻译 sublimation transfer type. Materials to be transferred are fabrics, plastics (plates, sheetclassification的动词s, films), ceramic and metal coated plates, etc. From the printing mode can be divideclassification怎么读d into screen printing, lithography, gravure printing, embtransfer是什么意思中文翻译ossprinting读音ing, inkjet and ribbon printing; From the base material, thereheating areapplications thermal transfer lanyard paper aapplications文件夹在哪儿nd thermal transfer lanyard plastic film.

Heat transfer printing rope LOGO ink withouprinting读音t texture, screen printing three-dimensional sense is not strong. Ink not only adhere to the surface of the ribbon, and part of the penetration into the ribbon.

Thermal transfer lanyard is a process in whheatingich text or pattern is printed on thermal transferclassification papapplicationeclassification是什么意思中文翻译r and then transferred to ribbon by thermal transfer lanyarclassification什么意思中文d machine under high temperature and high pressure. Pressure transfer embossing process. In the caheatsinkse of polyclassification写作ester, the most suitable process conditions should be applied at 205 C for 20 to 30 s. Poor effect at 170-180 C and 10 s. At 1lanyard pull handle80 to 190 C and 15 to 10 s, only ring dye effectheatstrokes can be achitransferableeved. For example, atheat temperatures from 230 to 240 C andheating abovtransferablee 40 s, the hand will feel rough and harheathensd, while above 240 C and 45 s the hand will be close to melting. The transfer conditions are different with the type of fabric fiber.

In alanyard loopddition to temperature and time, transfer pressure is also very important conditions. If the pressure is too low, the gap between the fabric and the paper is large, and the yarn is round, which causes the dye gas molecules to collide with the air and escape, reprinting是什么意思中文sulting in poor results, anlanyard photo翻译d the dyetransfer是什么意思中文翻译 is easy to penetrate.   The linesapplication are thick and the patterns are vague. If the pressure is increapplication identity拒绝访问ased, the yarn can be flat, the gap between the fabric and the flowered paper is smal蓝牙rdcl, the transfer dyeing effect is good, the pattern is clear, the line is smooth and delicate. However, the pressure is too great to produce deformation, fuzz and heavy fabric shape changes, and auroras, resulting in rough hands and surface defects.

Whether monochrome or mulclassification怎么读ticolor, the pattern of the therapplicationframehost是什么mal transfelanyard pull handler lanyard is transferred to the ribbon at one time, so the color of the LOGO is indeheatstrokependeheatsinknt of the printing cost (it varies when making the plate). The thermalprinting transtransfer用法fer printing lanyard process is particularly suitable for printing fprinting读音ull color images蓝牙rda or coapplication是什么意思中文mplex patterns.

At present, the most popular and common thermaprinting怎么读l transfer printing lath lath width is 50px wide, and some like a little bit smaller will usprinting oute 37.5px wide size. The usual girth is 2250px long (1125px when folded in half). The thermal transfer lanyard pattern can be printed full edge, that is, the width of the thermal transfer lanyard pattern can be the sheaterame as the width of the ribbon.

Usually heat transfer printing lashing rope lashiheatstrokeng rope – a telanyard 翻译xtile auxiliary class (other names: mobile phone rope, lashing belt, lashing rclassification societyope) general production lashing material nylon, PP, polyester, high elastic cotton, general specifications are 4lanyard loopmm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm.

Thelanyard contclassification societyent of heat transfer printing cprinting processan be the company name, website, main contact information, product brtransfer是什么意思and, slogan, slogan, or LOGO of sports events, concerts, commercial activities, parties and so on. Napplicationframehost是什么ylon, cotton, bamboo and other fibers can not withstapplicationcontext和beanfactoryand high temperature, need to go tprinting读音hrough special and high cost processing to heat transfer printing lanyard. Theclassification翻译reclassification是什么意思fore, no matter at hom蓝牙rdae or abroad, the proportion of polyester material used in the market is as high as 99%.

In order to the masses of users to conapplication动词venient, fast and economically to order their LOGO personaliprinting读音zed hang rope, especially tailorclassification是什么意思中文翻译ed to meet the small batch, reduce custoapplication动词mer ordering threshold, according to the years of production experience, combined with domestapplication是什么意思中文ic and foreign hang rope products custoprintingpressm and habits, dongguan exhibition macro ribbon co., LTD.,transferable specially seleapplication identity拒绝访问cted the most general, most common, the most popular three series, Each series recommends 6 basic styles for the general customers as a reference, so that customersapplicationframehost是什么 can be unprintingpressder our guidance in the shortest time to order their otransferwisewn satisfactory personalized rope products.

The above is about the heat transfer printing lanyard some basic knowledge and production process, I hope to help you, if yoprintingu areheating interested iapplications文件夹在哪儿n more consultation in this area, welcome to come to us, our reprinting是什么意思中文search in lanyaclassification societyrd is very excellent and professional, will help you solve the problem

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