Do you know the production process of thermal transfer printing lanyard?

A small thermal transfer printing lanyard actually needs a lot of processes, thermal transfer prinproduction怎么读ting lanyard is widely used: electronic USB disk, BANK U shield, staff btransfer是什么意思中文翻译adges, exhibition cards, mini audio, mobile phones, flproduction和product的区别ashlights, work cards, ballpoint pens, tags. All electronic products that need to be portable can be used.
1, ribbon: general prodproduction教学环节uction rope material nyltransfer是什么意思中文翻译on, PP, polyester, high elastic cotton, general specifications are 4mm,know是什么意思 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm.
2, accessories: general accessories are metal hook, document cliproduction什么意思中文p, plastic aircraft buckle, buckle, safety buckle, etcprinting process.
3, printin斗破苍穹之无上之境g: general etransfer翻译xhibition lanyard and other requirements tknowso do the need to promote the text and pattprocesserns.
4, assembly: first printing, according to the specthermal是什么意思中文ified size cut, add string, plastic buckle, glue or pressure metal iron sheet, finally to packaging. Afterprintingpress inspection, a lproduction的动词anyard was ready for shipment.
Usuallyprocess什么意思中文, tprocessorhe content of theproduction和product的区别rmal transfer printithermalexpansionngtransfer翻译 lanyard can be the brand of the product, the slogan, the slogan, or the Lproduction的动词OGO of sports events, concerts, coprocession是什么意思mmercial activities, partieslanyardhole是什么意思 and so on. Nylon, cotton, bamboo and other fibers can ntransferot withstand high temperature, need to go through specprinting是什么意思中文ial and high cost processing to heat transfer printilanyard海词ng lanyard.transferring
Many enterprises in order to facilitate the customized company LOGO personalized thermal transfer printing lapprocessonpet, in the process of customized lappet, generally select several standard parameters as a benchmark, and color, LOGO and other parameters to be custprintingomized will be selected according to the rule to make it easier to change, effectively reduce the cost of enterprises.

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